【満足度】★★★★★★★★★☆ 9/10点
【ビール名】The Portal: 1
【スタイル】Sour Hazy Double IPA
【ブルワリー】WEST COAST BREWING @wcbshizuoka
【原材料】麦芽(外国製造)、タンジェリン果汁、糖類、乳糖、オレンジ果汁、カカオニブ、酸味料、ホップ:Dry Hopped with Citra, Mandarina Bavaria & Motueka
若きHop Dudeたちを熱狂の渦に包む“The Collective”は、未来のAlchemistへと進化を遂げるため、いよいよ最後の砦となるネクストステージへ進む。
代々昔から受け継がれている極秘の儀式。Alchemistの称号を持つ者のみが召喚できる錬金移動術"The Portal"。厳しい修行を経たThe Collectiveたちが遂にこの秘術を会得した。時間と空間の概念を飛び出す扉は、特別な原材料を手に入れるための神術であり最大の秘密兵器🤫
第一作目となる“1”こそ、彼らの本領発揮の見せどころ。IPAの特徴は残しつつも、その枠を超えたSour DIPAの要となる異世界の材料を集め、タンジェリンとオレンジピューレの柑橘フルMAX。今年も地元静岡市「Conche」から入手したカカオニブに、しっかりと効いたドライホップでオトナの醍醐味を詰め込んだ。
イメージはチョコレートオレンジマフィン。ウィートとフレークドオーツで小麦を使った焼き菓子の柔らかさを表現。果汁ピューレと共に、ホップ「Mandarina Bavaria」でドライホップをすることでオレンジ感マシマシ。漬け込んだカカオニブの影響もあって、チョコレートとレーズンのような甘いアロマは、冬のハートを温めるスイートな飲み心地。
Hop Dudes got tired of flying in coach. Nemesis’ minions kicking the seats, The Traveler taking up all of the luggage shelf space (Group 5 what); the constant need for full body massage therapy after every trip (not a fan of the footrests kthx). So rather than use all of that brilliant motivation and mileage to do the sensible thing and just upgrade, they just decided to build a freaking PORTAL. Forget jetsetting (as much as we actually do love that delicious status) - it’s time to just freaking disappear and reappear in different locations. Aaaand… not only did our Alchemist decidedly improve his travel game, but he also realized how much easier it would be to bring back various adjuncts and goodies from his favorite locales. All of this a long winded way of getting to The PORTAL being our NEW Sour Double IPA series. With lots of adjunct goodies. Iteration 1 is a kind of Oranje slash cocktail-inspired dessert offering, replete with tangerine puree and cacao nibs from our friends at Conche (we didn’t need the PORTAL to bring those nibs, but they did perhaps?). Sweet, burnt coffee/choco with orange, folks. That’s the beer. Sweet, slightly chemical and I think we can do a much better job with the chocolate element, but with low to no hop burn and lots of citrusy chocolate goodness, fans gonna like this first go. Keep your hands and feet inside the portal at all times,
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