


引用元:『03/01/2022 砂糖ってそのまま食べてもそんなに甘くない?』

Kevin: Any flavor you miss? (it’s) question, right?
Yama: No, what you miss? the pizza? Papa John’s pizza?
Kevin: Yes, yes, yes.
Yama: or like Chick-fil-A ?
Kevin: Yeah. yeah, yeah, because I said it so many times.
Yama: but do you have any, brownie
Kevin: Pop Tarts Breakfast.
Yama: Oh yeah. Do you, do you miss it?
Kevin: I miss it, man. I love that thing. Do you know,
Yama: I would never be able to understand that.
Kevin: Do you know how popular it is? I don’t,
Yama: that you eating Pop Tarts or whatever, on lunch or
Kevin: I don't think you understand the popularity of Pop Tarts.
Yama: popular or not, it's too sweet.
Kevin: It's just it's just a nationwide thing to eat Pop Tarts as breakfast it's you should go to a supermarket like Walmart and go look at the, the, the Pop Tarts section, it's huge.
Yama: What do you mean huge Pop Tarts section.
Kevin: it’s such a variety.
Yama: Oh, really?
Kevin: it's got like that there's 4 packs, and 8 packs, 12 packs, 36 Packs, everything it's got so much varieties! wwwww
Yama: wwwww, not about flavors, packs wwww
Kevin: yeah (lots of flavors) of course a lots of flavors, over 20 I can I feel like yeah, there's a lot of flavors, man.
Yama: 20?
Kevin: Yeah, maybe I just bullshit that, but I'm sure there's over 10, I’m sure over 10 that's for sure.
Yama: like sugar? strawberry maybe chocolate.
Kevin: Yeah, yes strawberry, blueberry, rainbow,
Yama: Wait, wait, wait, what is rainbow?
Kevin: Chocolate, chocolate fudge, brownie, cookie cream,
Yama: stop it, wait, wait, what is rainbows?
Kevin: I don't know, no one knows what is rainbow flavors (there). It's like colorful and sugary.
Yama: Okay, okay.
Kevin: right. S’mores our favorite, everybody loves S'mores.
Yama: No our favorite, your favorite. www
Kevin: There’s all these kinds of flavors that are like so delicious. And I can't believe you hate it man, やまちゃん, it just a disgrace to the American culture.
Yama: No, I'm not just, I, I'm not blaming of a American culture, I just, just leave them eat those, those things, but I don't eat is this too, um, you remember we did the one week American food eating challenge.

Kevin: Yes.
Yama: We had a Pop Tarts breakfast.
Kevin: Yeah, one day.
Yama: And it was S'more taste, S'more flavor.
Kevin: Yeah, yes, yes, yes S'mores.
Yama: but I, it was just sweet.
Kevin: too sugary.
Yama: wasn't S'more all, it was just sweet thing.
Kevin: You didn't even taste S'more?
Yama: No at all. just sweet junk to me.
Kevin: There's (got to be) some wrong with you taste buds, man. It was definitely S'mores, the flavor was S'mores.
Yama: Really?
Kevin: I can't believe in taste any
Yama: Yeah, sweet
Kevin: is that just too sweet you, wow, I'm starting to think there's something wrong with you. you know, I've always felt that in this program like I'm the weird one who loves sweets, like chocolates, but now I’m start think that if you can't even taste the S'mores and Pop Tarts. There's got to be something wrong with you.
Yama: Yeah, I kinda no, I saw the you know, there's a like sweet cookie?
Kevin: Yeah, the layers, right? the cookie layer yes,
Yama: on top of it like swee, white sweet thing,
Kevin: Yes, yes, yes.
Yama: And in inside, there's a brown sweet.
Kevin: Yeah, it's like stripes, right? yeah, that's all
Yama: That's sweet. sweet things on sweet things, sweet things inside, there's brown sweet thing, white sweet things.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah that's chocolate and what one's marshmallow flavored.
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: Do you not get that?
Yama: I no, that's too sweet.
Kevin: Wow,
Yama: just sweet. I wonder why those can be more sweet like, sweeter than sugar.
Kevin: wwww Were they sweeter than sugar?
Yama: Yeah. How can they make things more like sweeter than sugar?
Kevin: Well, I mean, sweet sugar is not the sweetest thing on this planet, right?
Yama: Really?
Kevin: Yeah. No? am I wrong? I don't know.
Yama: I'm not professional sweet thing eaters.
Kevin: Actually, have you ever tasted sugar itself?
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: it's not that sweet actually. wwwww
Yama: wait, wait, wait, wait.
Kevin: I'm telling you the truth! I'm telling you the truth. wwwww
Yama: wwwww What you talking about? You not telling the truth. It's, it's not truth. It's sweet.
Kevin: You've done it before, right?
Yama: Yeah, like you know, when, when, when they serve some coffee we know, they, they put sugar on it, I tried to eat all the sugars but it was so sweet. So,
Kevin: Really?
Yama: Yeah, well it's not
Kevin: So, let, let me let me ask a question. So, if you have sugar,
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: right? and then it just tastes just like a taste like a like this much less a little bit, right? And then you put on your tongue, of course you feel sweetness but like compare that to like this much amount of 明治ミルクチョコレート

Yama: Okay.
Kevin: That's so much sweeter, don't you think?
Yama: Um, that's a really difficult question to me.
Kevin: Why?
Yama: Because the both oh, it's maybe the same.
Kevin: Really?
Yama: sweet.
Kevin: Oh, for me the 明治チョコレートso much more sweeter.
Yama: Compared to the sugar? usual sugar?
Kevin: Yeah, yeah. Maybe because it doesn't have a taste for anything. It just
Yama: but how does it happen?
Kevin: What do you mean?
Yama: how can be like things, because chocolates they uses sugar.
Kevin: Yeah,
Yama: to, to make chocolates, right?
Kevin: True.
Yama: And chocolates are sweeter than sugar.
Kevin: True, you're right. Maybe
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: if it's added, maybe it's the texture, maybe it's with cacao and makes it (somehow) maybe if it has a flavor with it. It makes it it makes it easier to like, like, like feel the sweetness.
Yama: Okay,
Kevin: maybe something like that. Just like how if it's spicy, if it's hotter, like if it's a it's hot water on a (spiciness) it's painful, right?
Yama: Yeah, yeah,
Kevin: maybe the right how temperature has an effect to, to, to, to, to, to spiciness, right? Just like how like texture could could affect
Yama: Okay, okay.
Kevin: Sweetness.
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: maybe something like that.
Yama: can be yeah,
Kevin: yeah right. So, that's why I think sugar’s not the sweetest thing in this world.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Yeah, right.
Yama: Yeah, I, I see that.
Kevin: Yeah, all right, that's all that's it.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: I persuaded you, didn’t I? Did I persuade you?
Yama: Oh, yeah, of course
Kevin: somehow.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: Of course.
Kevin: Thank you. Thank you listening guys, bye bye.


