
『英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room』トランスクリプトつくってみた。



Kevin: I have a topic I wanna talk to you.
Yama: Ok, let’s go.
Kevin: it’s about 保湿 スキン保湿
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: You know how recently,
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: I don't know why you're laughing.
Yama: No, you got the wrong guy, I guess.
Kevin: Oh, shit! all right, I just wanna ask.
Yama: Yeah, of course.
Kevin: So, my skin's been very dry lately.
Yama: Oh, really?
Kevin: Oh, yes you know,
Yama: Ok.
Kevin: season winter season.
Yama: Yeah, of course.
Kevin: Moisture is all one.
Yama: Dry and cold,
Kevin: yes, okay, and I kind of wanted something,
Yama: Shine?(shy?)
Kevin: Shining away moist.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Ah, right now the moisturizer I'm using is one from some random 薬 that ギャッツビー薬局 薬局
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Some ギャッツビーish
Yama: Okギャッツビーone
Kevin: Yeah, like the 化粧水 kind of gel stuff.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Very cheap.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And another one is the one you gave me as like, aloe, aloeish
Yama: Yeah, as an as an I presented as an 茶番one.
Kevin: Wow, I'm actually using it.
Yama: Yeah, that's kind of sad to me, but
Kevin: Sad for you? I kinda (?mutualizing?) your present there, the thing is both not strong enough, you know?
Yama: Oh,
Kevin: it becomes dry after like several hours, I kind of one like a very stronger one.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: that would last the whole day so, I went to um, 東急ハンズ the other day.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: yesterday and I was looking at like the skin care section you know, see if there's anything good that I can I want to be able to use it for my my face, my hand, body, everything.
Yama: okay.
Kevin: Um, ah, so, I, I kinda found one.
Yama: Oh, cool.
Kevin: It's a it's a major skincare brand, Vaseline.
Yama: I know that, yeah.
Kevin: Is that, is that appliable to my skin? you think that’s you think, can you use that as a 化粧水 like after you wash your face in the morning or at night after, and then, you know how you you wipe off your moisture put water face and then, you put like, 化粧水right? instead of that you use Vaseline, is that appliable?
Yama: Well, I don't know.
Kevin: All right.
Yama: But um isn't it like, oil thing? no?
Kevin: Maybe.
Yama: Yeah, um, like I heard I'm sorry, I'm Really not a professional but,
Kevin: Okay, but you heard.
Yama: I heard that what you need is you wash you your, your skin or whatever, and you, you wipe and you put your 化粧水 on it, in that's not enough you have to cover it with the um, um, 乳液thing.
Kevin: Yes.
Yama: little oily milky cream, yeah so,
Kevin: So, you need a layer before the Vaseline of like化粧水 you need 化粧水layer and then on top of the Vaseline oil-ish kind of thing?
Yama: If is that Vaseline is like, really oily one like, milky one (♪♪)
Kevin: It does look kind of oily and I'm getting, Wow,
Yama: That's a cool sound.
Kevin: That is a cool sound right there.
Yama: Temple in Thailand.
Kevin: I know, and I've never changed this ringtone.
Yama: So, it's the original sound.
Kevin: Yeah, it's the original sound.
Yama: That's cool. Oh, and,
Kevin: But it's okay, I didn't know this number.
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: yeah, I don't really need to.
Yama: Ok so, if it’s like really like oil milky one, you should I guess you should put your 化粧水 first and then the milky thing on it.
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: that's what, that’s somebody,
Kevin: you read?
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: you heard?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: The other guy?
Yama:なるちゃん told me.
Kevin: Oh, なるちゃん
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: good skincare kind of guy.
Yama: He's kind of a professional skincare guy, yeah.
Kevin: Wow.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: He is in the beauty.
Yama: Yeah, I guess so, he's been, he's been doing those things like for many years.
Kevin: Oh, really?
Yama: Yeah, he told me.
Kevin: Wow.
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: I can think of it I think he does have a very like, moisturized.
Yama: Yeah, actually, he has.
Kevin: I think he has a very like, like a baby skin and I think he does.
Yama: Yeah, yeah.
Kevin: Okay, all right.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: So, I guess only Vaseline maybe not good enough.
Yama: Yeah, I guess.
Kevin: But I'll make sure I'll do my research.
Yama: Yeah, of course, of course you need to, or like goes ask to some professional, professionals.
Kevin: Right, for for like what?
Yama: for like,
Kevin: 東急ハンズ?

Yama: Yeah, or like,
Kevin: employee,
Yama: Yeah, or like you know, beauty cosmetic ladies at the stores, you know,
Kevin: like how do you find them?
Yama: You can, you can see them, you can tell the differences from the usual clerks.
Kevin: Oh,
Yama: because they are beautiful.
Kevin: Shit.
Yama: wwwww No, I’m talking about the you know, there's a section like beauty cosmetic section you know, like department store.
Kevin: like 高島屋?
Yama: Yeah, those like really like,
Kevin: No, they're way too scary. I can't go there.
Yama: wwwww Why?
Kevin: like a guy,
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: that looks like this,
Yama: yeah,
Kevin: going into like that section of the department store, I can't do that.
Yama: Why you can do?
Kevin: Way too scared, too much pressure.
Yama: You gotta be asking them getting the professional advice from them and,
Kevin: I know but like, first of all, if you go to like 高島屋 and like the floor where they have all the 化粧品-ish like those sections are like, separated by brands, right?
Yama: Yeah, true.
Kevin: Like if I go to like, for I don't know why I like what do they have?
Yama: Dior?
Kevin: Dior, right, yeah, I go to Dior clerk and “I wanna ask you about Vaseline” like I don't think it would make sense.
Yama: No, not like, especially asking about the Vaseline but, yeah, asking about general how should I you know, do
Kevin: take care about skin.
Yama: Yeah, because obviously, they know much more
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: then we are,
Kevin: they are professional.
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: But do you have the balls to do it, right? Can you do it? Can you go in there? and just like, xxxking,
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: go up to them and like, start like spark up a conversation?
Yama: You know, this is a cosmetic like, this is a you know, ladies cosmetic place and also there's are you know, those skincare sections. I don't go to the cosmetic you know, area cuz it's too like,
Kevin: too scary.
Yama: Oh, yeah.
Kevin: The cosmetic section?
Yama: not to me.
Kevin: Oh, not for you right, right, right.
Yama: the section is different. I just wanna ask about skincare so goes to those section,
Kevin: right, right.

Yama: and just see around and ”♪Can I ask you some”
Kevin: and get all the information.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: little unrelated, but don't you think that the skin like, the makeup section of the department stores kind of like scary?
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: like it's got all the pressure.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Like, they're waiting for you. I don't know. I only if I even if I walk through the aisle without like stopping I just get the look
of like, ”fuck he’s doing here.” I don't know why but I'm just do.
Yama: Yeah, true, just kind of (strive?)
Kevin: Yeah, yeah,
Yama: they are fresh beauty people, so they don't wanna see guys like me and you. like, strolling around the place, maybe, yeah, they are too professional.
Kevin: Scary. All right, thanks for listening guys.
Yama: Thank you.

