NHK Special: Shaken Visa for Life 2024/9/28
NHK Special: Shaken Visa for Life
The program of NHK Special:My Grandfather Saved the Jewish Refugees-The Attack on Gaza and the “Visa for Life”-
Sugihara Sempo single-handedly saved Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany during the Second World War.
As the number of casualties increased during the Gaza offensive, criticisms including “Why did Sugihara save them?” have arisen.
What does the humanitarianism of the “Visa for life”mean nowadays?
Aired on September 28, 2024
I find it a little hard to believe that the attack in Gaza has led to criticism of the humanitarian acts of Mr and MrsSugihara Sempo.
I think that if you understand the tragic situation of the refugees at the time and the suffering of Mr and MrsSugihara before they decided to issue the visas, you would not be able to take it that way.
The main purpose of the program was to follow Sempo's granddaughter, Madoka Sugihara, as she visited Lithuania and Poland to feel close to her grandfather's mind and heart. The program has contrasted a lecture at Waseda University before the Gaza incident iccured with a lecture at Zuiryō High School after the attack on Gaza, and depicted the transformation in Madoka's heart as she visited Lithuania and Poland and came to strongly believe that it was time to stop fighting.
Although the film was not broadcast, I was impressed that Madoka said that Auschwitz was a place that should be visited in her lecture at the high school.
The lives that Sempo saved,
the lives that Sempo could not save.
both are irreplaceable lives.
The time has come to say NO to the unreasonable deaths that have continued to this day.
#Visa for life
#Sugihara Sempo
#Sugihara Madoka
#Attack on Gaza
NHKスペシャル 揺れる命のビザ
祖父はユダヤ人を救った~ガザ攻撃と “命のビザ”~
ガザの攻撃で、杉原千畝氏の人道的行為に批判の声が上がっている、ということがちょっと信じられません。 当時の難民の悲惨な状況や、ビザを発行すると決意するまでの杉原ご夫婦の苦悩を理解していれば、そんな風に受け止めることはできないはずではと思うからです。
番組の主旨は,千畝の孫の杉原まどかさんが、リトアニア・ポーランド訪問で、祖父の心に寄り添う姿を追うことでした。 ガザのことが起こる前の早稲田での講演会と、ガザ後の瑞陵高校での講演会を対照的に提示し、リトアニアとポーランドを訪問し、もう戦いはやめて,と強く考えるようになったまどかさんの心の変化を描いていたと思います。