
【Koyomi】 July 16, 2024

Seasonal food|Tokoroten (Kudzu Jelly)

The Basics of Tokoroten and Agar

Tokoroten and agar both share the same primary ingredient: tengusa (Gelidium seaweed). However, the preparation process sets them apart. Tokoroten is created by boiling and solidifying tengusa into a jiggly, gelatinous form. On the other hand, agar is made by freezing and freeze-drying tokoroten. This unique process transforms it into a more solid and shelf-stable form that is often used in desserts and scientific applications.



Regional Differences in Enjoying Tokoroten

In Japan, how tokoroten is enjoyed can vary significantly by region. In the Kanto area, it's common to eat it with vinegar soy sauce, topped with aonori (green laver) and a dab of karashi (Japanese mustard). Conversely, in the Kansai region, tokoroten is typically served with kuromitsu (black sugar syrup) and sometimes topped with kinako (roasted soybean flour). This difference highlights the diverse culinary traditions across Japan.



Basic Preparation of Tokoroten

Preparing tokoroten is simple and involves a few key steps:
1. Chill the tokoroten in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours before eating.
2. Discard the preserving water and lightly rinse the tokoroten.
3. Drain it well using a sieve or colander.
4. Serve in a bowl and enjoy with vinegar soy sauce, aonori, and karashi.


1. 食べる前にところてんを冷蔵庫で2~3時間ほど冷やします。
2. 保存用の水を捨てて、ところてんを軽く水洗いします。
3. ザルなどでよく水を切ります。
4. 器に盛り付けて、酢醤油と青のりとからしでいただきます。
