
【Koyomi】 November 29, 2024

Seasonal Vegetables|Green Onions

Green Onions: Types and Seasonal Insights

Green onions are cultivated across Japan, from Hokkaido to Kyushu. Although they are available year-round, they are typically in season from November to February. There are two main types of green onions:
1. Negi with thick white stalks (Nebuka Negi): These are prized for their sweet, tender white parts.
2. Negi with green tops (Ha Negi): Often used in dishes like stir-fries or as garnish, their green parts add vibrant color and flavor.


1. 白くて太い部分を食べる「根深ネギ」:白い部分が甘く柔らかいのが特徴です。
2. 緑の先端部分を食べる「葉ネギ」:炒め物や薬味として使われることが多く、料理に彩りと風味を加えます。

Nutritional Benefits of Green Onions

Green onions are packed with nutrients, including calcium, vitamins B1, B2, and C, as well as iron. A key compound, allyl sulfide, gives green onions their characteristic sharp taste and aroma. This compound can:
• Relieve fatigue and irritability.
• Improve blood circulation.

However, allyl sulfide is heat-sensitive, so cooking green onions lightly preserves their health benefits while reducing their spiciness.


• 疲労やイライラを軽減する。
• 血行を良くする。


Cooking Tips: Perfectly Pairing Green Onions

Green onions are versatile but should be paired carefully. For instance, pairing raw green onions with wakame seaweed may reduce calcium absorption from the wakame due to the allyl sulfide. To avoid this, cook the green onions by bringing them to a boil in soups like miso soup. This deactivates the compound and allows you to enjoy both ingredients’ benefits fully.


