(試作 パイロット版)(学園もの→まち歩きものに見えて、じゃないストーリー Aパート6-1)
実は、うちのクラスでオバケ屋敷やろうって話になってるんだ。ステージなんてする人居ないし、飲食できるのも高等部だけだし。参加大丈夫だよね、都倉ちゃん学年のグループ研究だけだし。よしオッケーね! (よかったー。よろしくーなんて感じで、他の楽団員から合いの手)。
I heard that something could change the future in just one second. Even if you don't pass the exam, you won't win the lottery, you won't be the audition's grand prix, or you won't set a new world record.
The change came during lunch break.
"Mitsukura-chan, come here a little"
Shift your gaze without turning your face. The voice is the main character of the forest small animal band fawn. It was a secret code between Kozika(fawn, sounds in Japanese) and Seal, abbreviated Nanaka Kojima (not bad, just in case). There is an aura even though I don't change my height. It's not strange, it seems to be the center of the group if you notice it. Let the sun be the axis of the other planets.
It reacted moderately with caution. Don't be too stupid, but don't get used to it.
"What, Ms. Kojima.
Although I intended to say while holding down my heart, I immediately regretted. It depends on the way of saying, but it seems that what you talked with this seems funny.
But Kozika-san didn't care at all. Rather than listening to my response at all.
"This time, I'm going to do a school festival, but I'm extending my school building renovation. It's feeling like November now, right?
In fact, I'm talking about going to a basking house in my class. There is no one on stage and only the high school can eat and drink. Participation is okay, but only Tokura-chan's group study. Good ok! (It's good. Nice to meet you-from other band members).
Well, I'm thinking about where to go. Even the receptionist or the back person may be good, but it may look good for the dead. (The tune of the band members, who will look like Fut--) The bandage has been painted. "I am beautiful? What are you saying?
Well, if I decide on the details, I will come again. If there is another person who wants to participate, invited from Tokura-chan. Regards to this matter.
Well then (the bandmember leave Minoru while saying goodbye, etc)
I am not grumpy, nor angry.
However, Kozika was a member of the Bremen Music Corps, or I hate ghosts at all, I wasn't saying Hi or Ih, I wondered why I invited the seal to my companions, or vaguely It was
"It is a correct expression that it was taken aside, it.
That's right, Shiki added a drinking straw at hand. Chu(as drinking sounds in Japanese).
"I don't care about expression. What do you drink today?"
"Yakiimo tohnyu(Roasted sweet potato-like soy milk in JP), you should be interested in, but I will not give it"
what is that? In addition, it is soymilk and it is delicious.
The image of Shiki at the time of meeting is different. Rather, it is becoming increasingly difficult to explain what Shiki's image is like in me. Like painting the wind. "Oh, speaking of that," Shiki gave a voice. What is "if it says so"? There is no flow of stories or context.
"I'm talking to Minol and I've ever thought"