(一言ジャーナリング風味チャレンジ0--)2021.02.10~2.22 軽量 (One-word journaling flavor challenge 0--)
2/10 気が付いたら22時台に就寝していた。眠りすぎたけれど、まだ眠り足りない。
2/11 目覚めは気持ちいい。燃えるゴミを捨てる。そのままyoutubeで映像を chris’s room を流しながら朝食。昨日買った帆立をメインにサラダとスープの残りと冷凍ご飯(玄米白米ブレンド)。
2/12 気分転換のお出かけ。魚介と、温泉。アイデアが出てくる。これまで家にいても全然手がかりがなかったのに。環境は全てに勝る、のだろう。
2/13 朝から温泉に浸かり、おいしいものを食べ、少し体を動かす(普通のスクワットとクランチを交互に)。毎日この生活をしていたならば、どれだけ自分の幸福感は引き出されるのだろう。
2/14 ゆっくりでいい、いや、ゆっくりがいいよ。必要なものはきっと近くにあるし、なくてもなんとかなるから。
2/15 全てを投げ打つことができない、怖いとずっと思っていた。だけれど、要は今できることでいいんじゃないか。辛いことは続いている。だけどそれは黙っていてもやってくるんだから、自分はいいことを見ていてもいいんじゃないか。
2/16 帰りが遅くなると、そのまま精神力削られてる感じがしていかん。そんな中のこの曲の公開
2/17 滑り込みで仕事終わりで近くのトレーニング施設に行く。正味40分くらいでバイク全速6分、ラットプルダウン、ローイング、アブドミナル、ショルダープレスを一気に。行くまではハードルあるし、行ったら行ったですごいワークをしている人が目について自分との格差に愕然としつつも、終わると気分がいい。ここに行けているか自体が、人生の好不調のバロメーターになりつつある。習慣超大事。
2/18 自分に影響を与えた作家、エンデが対談本で言っていた、世の中の3要素について考えている。政治、経済、芸術という区分。最初聞いたときは「いや芸術デカすぎるだろ」と思っていたけれど、最近ようやくその意味が少し分かった気がする。ルールを決めて守るだけだと、人間の大事な何かが枯れてしまう。生み出すこと、つくり出すことというか。
2/19 確かに段取りの悪い自分の責任です。ですが、私は午後帰るって言ったはずなんだけど。これも、かわりに安定や帰属感があれば、気にならない人も多いのだと思う。自分は長年我慢してきたけれど、多分本質的にはもうオーバーヒートしているよ。人生でどうしたいか、それを考えるための学びなんだろう。あと、やっぱり自分は集団行動とか、空気を読む交流は、向いてないなあ、と。
2/20 久々の2日酔い。前日失敗したなあ、と。あまり覚えていないし、夕方まで頭痛が続く。ひとりで生きてきて久しい自分にパートナー的な人が今後現れるか分からないけど、こうしなくていい関係性で、ハッピーを共有したいな、と。
2/21 2週間ぶりのトレーニング。背中全般を中心に。1年半前から初めて、肩こりとか背中全面の痛みとかはかなり減った気がする。以前は残業帰りの電車の手すりで、背中をゴリゴリしていた記憶。可能な限り週2でしていると、ワンハンドローイングって簡単なようで効かせるには難しい。
2/22 胃腸が悪い感じ。少し早く帰る。そうすると何かしたくなるという矛盾。後日レポします。勇気と熱量の2時間30分
2/10 When I noticed, I was sleeping around 22:00. I slept too much, but I still don't sleep enough.
2/11 Awakening feels good. Throw away the burning garbage. Breakfast while playing the video on youtube as it is in chris ’s room. Mainly the scallops I bought yesterday, the rest of the salad and soup, and frozen rice (brown rice and white rice blend).
The other day's job was unrelated. But rather than that, I learned more from the time I was waiting for the pass / fail email. Actually, it was the type that only passers-by were contacted. I didn't need the anxiety or rushing feelings of the last few days.
2/12 A refreshing outing. Seafood and hot springs. Ideas come out. I had no clue when I was at home. The environment is better than everything.
2/13 Soak in the hot springs from the morning, eat delicious food, and exercise a little (alternately normal squats and crunches). How much happiness would you bring out if you lived this life every day?
2/14 Slow down, no, slow down. I'm sure you have what you need nearby, and you can manage without it.
2/15 I've always thought I was scared that I couldn't throw everything. But the point is, what you can do now is fine. The pain continues. But it comes even if it's silent, so I think it's okay to see good things.
2/16 When I get home late, I feel like I'm losing my mental strength. Release of this song in such a situation
It's just a great song. This person doesn't choose any genre and focuses on what he likes. I think I've touched on some negative things, but maladaptation as a child, undertaking as an actor, and rest due to illness. The essay says that you can't live in earnest, and you can laugh at the series of episodes that you can say "Is this person okay?", But many of the creations born from such a backbone are saving various people. When I think about it, I want to thank the "episode" itself.
2/17 I slipped in and went to a nearby training facility at the end of work. In about 40 minutes net, 6 minutes at full speed on the bike, lat pull-down, rowing, abdominal, shoulder press at once. There are hurdles until I go, and when I go, the person who is doing great work is appalled by the gap between him and himself, but when he finishes, he feels good. Whether or not you can go here is becoming a barometer of the ups and downs of your life. Habits are super important.
2/18 I'm thinking about the three elements of the world that Ende, the writer who influenced me, said in his dialogue book. The division of politics, economy, and art. When I first heard it, I thought, "No, it's too big art," but recently I feel like I've finally understood the meaning. If you just decide and follow the rules, something important to humans will die. To create, to create.
I think I have to do something and I will start this.
First of all, the opening of Xserver is completed. .
2/19 It is certainly my responsibility that the setup is bad. But I should have said I'd be back in the afternoon. I think that there are many people who don't care about this if there is stability and a sense of belonging instead. I've put up with it for years, but it's probably overheated in essence. I think it's learning to think about what you want to do in your life. After all, I'm not suitable for group action or interaction to read the air.
2/20 Two-day sickness after a long absence. I wondered if I failed the day before. I don't remember much and my headache continues until the evening. I don't know if there will be a partner for me who has lived alone for a long time, but I want to share happiness with a relationship that doesn't have to be this way.
2/21 Training for the first time in 2 weeks. Focusing on the entire back. For the first time since a year and a half ago, I feel that stiff shoulders and pain in the entire back have decreased considerably. I remember that I used to squeak my back on the railing of the train on my way home from overtime. If you do it twice a week as much as possible, one-handed rowing seems easy and difficult to make effective.
On my way home, I bought curry in August in Shimokitazawa. Delicious food may not solve your life, but I think it is necessary to satisfy yourself.
2/22 I feel bad in the gastrointestinal tract. I'll be back a little early. Then the contradiction that you want to do something. I will report it at a later date. 2 hours 30 minutes of courage and energy