


1 必ず折り畳み自転車(Brompton M3L)を連れて行くこと。

2 行きと帰りの電車・飛行機以外は、現地で移動手段を確保すること。

3 行きたい場所は決めておいてもいいけれど、それに縛られないこと。

4 迷ったら山より海方向。海岸線を走り港や灯台に寄ること。坂は大敵。

5 前向きな気持ちに素直に行動すること。でも無理は禁物。

6 3泊以上の場合は、旅先で1泊以上宿を確保すること。

7 旅先では無理しない程度に会話して、旅の共の音楽達を聴くこと。

8 高級なものよりチープイート(なるべく個人店)を食べること。だいた  いコーヒーかパンかカレーだったりする。

9 普段より大きく息を吸って吐くこと。

10 写真もGoProも撮る。でも一番大事なのは目で見ること。

11 「__________________________________________________________」   (新しい自分ルールは旅ごとに考えること)

(Introduction) Before starting "gdgd" trip note

While wishing to renew everyday, one day will pass in a blink of an eye. Sorry. Well, I'm planning to write a journal for a journey that is coming soon, but I write it beforehand as a memorandum if I prepare such a rule beforehand.

1 Make sure to take a folding bike (Brompton M3L).

2 Securing means of transportation on-site except for train and airplane arriving and returning.

3 I can decide where I want to go, but not being bound by it.

4 If I get lost,I want to go to the ocean direction rather than going in the mountain direction. Drive along the coastline and get to the harbor and the lighthouse. The climbing slope is a big,big enemy.

5 Be acting obediently with a positive feeling. I will not overdo it.

6 If I'm staying 3 nights or more, make sure to stay at least 1 night in the destination.

7 Talk to the extent that I can not overdo it on my journey, listen to the music of the trip together.

8 Eating cheap-eats (preferably individual stores). I usually have coffee, pan, or curry.

9 Breathe in more than usual and exhale.

10 Take pictures and GoPro as well. But the most important thing is to see with my eyes.

11 '' ______________________________________________________________________" (New self rules are to be thought of every trip)
