【英語日記】 Three Reasons I Do Not Like Spring
When people hear the word “spring,” many of them associate it with something positive. New people, new life, new prospects - yes, spring is the season for hope. How can anyone dislike this season?
However, I have to confess that I do not care for the season.
Here are my reasons:
1. Busiest Season at Work
At my workplace, spring is the busiest season of the year. From March to May every year, we have many late nights due to heavy workloads. If we are unlucky, we even have to work on the weekend. It is definitely not a time for us to sit back and enjoy beautiful cherry blossoms. Even if we do not have to work on the weekend, all we can do is sleep in until late to relieve the fatigue of our hard work on weekdays.
2. Obligation to Feel Positivity
In spring, many companies start promotion for the season. They use every method to urge people to be more active, which makes me feel withdrawn. I feel as if I am being told, “Hey, it’s not the time to hole up, why not come outside to enjoy life?” I am an introvert and prefer a quiet life. The advertisements, together with stronger sunlight, make me feel restless and agitated. Seeing “party people” yelling out on the streets makes matters worse. They just disturb my peace of mind.
3. Pollen Allergy
Last but not least, I have a biological reason to dislike the season: cedar pollen allergy. I have had this allergy for more than 20 years and the peak time of the symptoms is from March to early April. During that time, I constantly struggle with a runny nose, sneezing, a sore throat, and a light headache. Who could say they like the season with all those discomforts?
For the reasons mentioned above, I cannot say spring is my favorite season. Hopefully I can enjoy the season sometime - or in my next life.