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Technology has improved human communication.
◆答案(Body 1)
Firstly, the advent of the Internet has positively affected our interaction with others. [※明らかにミスっている文→] Although some might argue that the Internet has had a negative influence, pointing to the lessened opportunity of face-to-face communication. However, the positive effects of the Internet seem to outweigh such drawbacks. For one thing, dealing with others through the Internet costs much less than other mediums such as international calls and airmail. All we need to pay is the fee of Internet access, which allows us to send emails and short messages, talk through Internet connection in real time and so on. Thanks to this, we can even enjoy interactions with those living far away from us, such as friends studying at foreign universities and relatives staying abroad. Simply put, with lower costs, the Internet has increased opportunities to interact with various people, thanks to which people are now able to build and maintain deeper human relationships.
Grammatically OK?
Yes, the passage is grammatically correct.
本当すか…。明らかに2文目(Althoughの文)がミスしてるんだけど…。 (Although SV, SV. の形になっていない)
さらに文法面で改善できる点がないか確認してみましたが(Any points where it can be improved in terms of grammar?)、あまり有効なアドバイスがなかったので、文法面はこのまま放置で次に進んでみます。
Give some advice as to its contents and organization:
The organization of the passage is good. (略)
As for the content, the passage provides a strong argument for the positive impact of the internet on human interaction. (中略) However, one improvement could be to address potential counterarguments more thoroughly. For instance, the passage acknowledges that some might argue that the internet has had a negative influence on face-to-face communication, but does not delve into why this might be the case or address other potential drawbacks of increased online interaction. By doing so, the author could strengthen their argument further. Overall, the passage is well-written and effectively conveys its main point.
One additional point to improve the content of the passage could be to provide more specific examples to support the argument. (略)
・Video conferencing tools such as Zoom, which allow people to have face-to-face conversations with others across the world in real-time.
・Online education platforms, which provide opportunities for people to learn from instructors and connect with other students from diverse backgrounds.
・Collaborative work tools like Google Docs, which allow people to collaborate on projects in real-time regardless of their physical location.
・Messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Telegram, which enable people to communicate quickly and efficiently with others without the need for expensive international phone calls or letters.
・Social networking sites such as LinkedIn, which provide opportunities for people to build professional networks and connect with others in their field.
Zoom is a video conferencing tool that has improved our communication via the internet. People can have real-time conversations from anywhere in the world. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Zoom enabled people to attend meetings, classes, and connect with loved ones from a distance. For example, I … (略)
一昔前ならSkypeが具体例として真っ先に挙がりそうな内容ですね。the COVID-19 pandemicも登場して現代に即した話になっており、ジャッジの人に「この受験者は普段から英語でいろんな情報に接しているんだな」と感じさせる内容になっています。
Yes, the vocabulary used in the essay is appropriate and effective in conveying the writer's ideas. (略) The vocabulary choices such as "advent," "mediums," and "outweigh" demonstrate a sophisticated level of language use. (略) Overall, the essay's vocabulary is appropriate and helps to convey the writer's points effectively.
しかし、もっと洗練された語彙があるはず。そこで、more sophisticated vocabularyを用いて書き換えてもらいます。長いので一部だけ抜き出します。
To begin with, the emergence of the Internet has unequivocally enhanced our ability to communicate with others. Although some might posit that the Internet has yielded adverse effects, citing the diminished opportunity for direct human interaction, the advantageous impacts of the Internet appear to outweigh such drawbacks. (略) The only fee incurred is the cost of Internet access, which allows us to exchange emails, instant messages, and engage in real-time conversations. The Internet has enabled us to ….
・unequivocally 明白に、はっきりと
・posit 断定する、仮定する
・incur (負債などを)負う、受ける、こうむる
I would rate it a 8 out of 10.
8点。良い方だよね… でも、どうしても「あと2点はどうすればいいの」と気になってしまうのが人間。
Undoubtedly, the emergence of the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate with one another. While some may argue that the internet has created a more impersonal means of communication, it is evident that the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Firstly, the internet has greatly expanded our ability to communicate with people from all over the world. In the past, communicating with someone from another country was a costly and time-consuming process. However, with the advent of the internet, we can now communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world instantly and at no additional cost. Additionally, the internet has allowed us to develop and maintain relationships with people who we may never have met otherwise. Through social media and other online platforms, we can connect with like-minded individuals and form communities based on shared interests. This has allowed us to expand our social circles and create meaningful relationships with people who we may have never had the opportunity to meet in person. In conclusion, the internet has vastly improved our ability to communicate and connect with others, opening up a world of opportunities for personal and professional growth.
むぅ… やるなChatGPT…。
Internet positively affects interaction by reducing communication costs, increasing opportunities, and deepening relationships.
今回は、Introductionに続くBody 1を添削してみてもらいました。それにしても、無料版のChatGPTでこのクオリティ。有料版だとどんなアドバイスがもらえるのか興味深々です。
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