・英検®は、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の登録商標です。
・このコンテンツは、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の承認や推奨、その他の検討を受けたものではありません。
◆問題 (目安120-150語)
Is it a good idea to tax sugary drinks?
POINTS (→準1級では使用が必須)
・Government revenue
・Effect on consumers
sugary drinksの購入が抑制される
【Government Revenue】
【Effect on consumers】
◆答案例1 (YES版)
In my opinion, taxation on sugary beverages is beneficial for the following reasons.
Firstly, this measure will help citizens stay healthy. In order to deal with the increased tax, companies will raise the prices of sugary drinks, which will cause a decrease in the consumption of these drinks. This will have a positive influence on people’s physical health because consuming large amounts of sugar could lead to multiple health issues such as obesity and diabetes.
Moreover, taxing sugary drinks will lead to increased government revenue, which can be used for national healthcare. In many countries including Japan, the burden of healthcare costs is enormous. Since sugary drinks may be partly responsible for increasing these costs, imposing a tax on these beverages can be justified.
For these reasons, I believe that taxing sugary drinks is a sensible idea. (137 words)
In my opinion, taxation on sugary beverages is beneficial for the following reasons.
Firstly, this measure will help citizens stay healthy.
・measure(対策、措置)は、take a measure/take measuresという熟語の形で頻出。自分でも使えるようにしておきましょう。
In order to deal with the increased tax, companies will raise the prices of sugary drinks, which will cause a decrease in the consumption of these drinks.
This will have a positive influence on people’s physical health because consuming large amounts of sugar could lead to multiple health issues such as obesity and diabetes.
・have a positive influence on O(Oに良い影響をもたらす)。influenceはeffectやimpactと置き換えることも & 「悪い」ならpositiveをnegativeに。
Moreover, taxing sugary drinks will lead to increased government revenue, which can be used for national healthcare.
In many countries including Japan, the burden of healthcare costs is enormous. Since sugary drinks may be partly responsible for increasing these costs, imposing a tax on these beverages can be justified.
・(be) responsible for Oは一般には「Oに対して責任がある」ですが、「Oの原因である」と解釈することもあるので頭の片隅に置いておきましょう。
For these reasons, I believe that taxing sugary drinks is a sensible idea.
◆答案例2 (NO版)
I do not think that imposing a tax on sugary drinks is a reasonable approach.
One concern is that such a tax could be viewed as unfair. While sugary drinks might be a factor in poor health, other products, such as sugary snacks and food additives, could also have negative effects. Companies will surely argue that targeting only the beverage industry is not fair.
Additionally, taxing sugary drinks will not necessarily improve people’s health. If their prices rise, some people may not be able to afford them. Although this might be exactly what is aimed, these people may end up consuming other cheap food items that can be as unhealthy as sugary beverages, such as high-fat fast food and snacks.
It is for these reasons that I am against the idea of taxing sugary drinks. (135 words)
I do not think that imposing a tax on sugary drinks is a reasonable approach.
One concern is that such a tax could be viewed as unfair.
・view A as B (AをBとみなす)
While sugary drinks might be a factor in poor health, other products, such as sugary snacks and food additives, could also have negative effects.
・While SV, SV (SVな一方でSV、SVだがSV)は良く使う表現。余裕があればWhileに加えてWhereasも覚えてしまいましょう。
・解答例1でも書いたように、sugary drinksが実際にpoor healthの要因と断定できるかどうかは議論の余地があるため、isと断定せずにmight beと助動詞を用いています。こうして「そうでない可能性があることも認識できていますよ、私は広い視点から考えているんですよ」と伝えます。(後ろのcouldも同じ意味合い。)
・food additives (食品添加物)
Companies will surely argue that targeting only the beverage industry is not fair.
Additionally, taxing sugary drinks will not necessarily improve people’s health.
・not necessarily (必ずしも~ない) →部分否定を用いました。上で助動詞を用いて表現に幅をもたせたのと同様の考え方です。「もちろん、健康を改善する可能性だってあるよね、それは分かってるよ」というメッセージが裏にあります。
If their prices rise, some people may not be able to afford them. Although this might be exactly what is aimed, these people may end up consuming other cheap food items that can be as unhealthy as sugary beverages, such as high-fat fast food and snacks.
・end up doing (結局・ついには~することになる)
・food item (食品、食料品)
・しつこいですが、that are as unhealthy as … と断定せず、that can be as unhealthy as … としています。
It is for these reasons that I am against the idea of taxing sugary drinks.
・前回の問題でも紹介したように、強調構文を使った It is for these reasons that SV. という表現にしてみました。
コラム ~関係詞の継続用法~
Moreover, taxing sugary drinks will lead to increased government revenue, which can be used for national healthcare.
In order to deal with the increased tax, companies will raise the prices of sugary drinks, which will cause a decrease in the consumption of these drinks.
また、whichの前にmost of や both of のようなオマケを加えることも可能で、ここまでくればかなりの文法力を示せそうです。
例)People today often buy bottled beverages, many of which contain large amounts of sugar.
〔おことわり 2〕
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