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TOEFL iBT®は、2023年7月26日から形式が変更され、
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Technology has improved human communication.
With advanced technology available to more people than ever, it has been significantly influencing a wide variety of aspects of our lives, including our communication styles. With regard to whether technology has improved our communication, I believe so for the following reasons.
ちょっと久しぶりに書いたので、主張部分が I believe so と寂しい感じになってしまいましたが、あえてそのままにして、早速ChatGPTに聞いてみます。
Grammatically OK?
Yes, the sentence is grammatically correct. It is clear and concise, conveying a complete thought.
As an introduction of an essay, what do you think of this passage in terms of contents and organization?
As an introduction to an essay, this passage is a good start. It presents a clear and relevant topic about the impact of advanced technology on our communication styles. (中略)
However, to fully engage the reader and provide a strong foundation for the essay, the introduction could benefit from additional context and details. For example, the writer could briefly outline the history of technological advancements in communication, highlight (以下省略).
What do you think of the vocabulary use in this writing?
The vocabulary in this writing is simple and clear, which is suitable for conveying the message in a concise manner. However, it could benefit from more varied and sophisticated vocabulary to enhance the clarity and persuasiveness of the argument. Here are some examples of how to improve the vocabulary:
・Replace "advanced technology" with synonyms such as cutting-edge technology, state-of-the-art technology, or innovative technology.
・Use more descriptive verbs to convey the impact of technology, such as "transforming," "shaping," or "redefining."
・Replace "wide variety" with synonyms such as diverse, extensive, or multifaceted.
・Instead of "improved," use synonyms such as enhanced, enriched, or advanced.
Overall, using a more varied and sophisticated vocabulary can elevate the quality of the writing and make it more engaging to read.
上のコメントでは、synonym(s) つまり類義語の候補を豊富に挙げてくれているのが助かります。とりわけimproveは、問題文で使われている表現そのままなので、書きながら「これは本当はパラフレーズ(言い換え)しないといけないよな、時間使いすぎたら嫌だからそのまま使っとくけど…」と思っていた部分なので、これをenhanceといったワードで置き換えられる可能性があるよと提示してくれるのは有難いところです。
特に上級の学習者だと、「自分の答案に大したミスも見当たらないけど、評価が上がらないな」という場合、減点要素を減らすというよりも、加点要素(例 多様な文構造、豊富な語彙)がもう一歩というケースもあるでしょうから、そのような場面ではChatGPTが役立つかもしれません。
So, could you improve this so that it can receive a better grade? Note that this is just an introduction part of an essay.
While the advent of advanced technology has brought significant changes to various aspects of our lives, one of the most notable impacts is on our communication styles. The influence of technology on communication is a topic of much debate, with some arguing that it has had a negative effect on our ability to connect with others. However, I firmly believe that technology has actually improved our communication abilities in several ways. In this essay, I will discuss these ways and support my position with relevant evidence and examples.
Please shorten it while maintaining the quality.
Technology has greatly impacted our communication styles. While some argue that it has negatively affected our ability to connect with others, I believe that it has actually improved our communication abilities. In this essay, I will explore the ways in which technology has enhanced our communication, supported by evidence and examples.
Make a similar-length version while respecting the original version.
The availability of advanced technology has significantly influenced various aspects of our lives, including how we communicate. While opinions on whether technology has improved our communication abilities are divided, I am of the belief that it has indeed enhanced our abilities to connect with others. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons why I hold this viewpoint and provide relevant evidence and examples to support my argument.
Please rewrite it with vocabulary of utmost difficulty.
The advent of sophisticated technology has unequivocally exerted a substantial influence on multifarious facets of our existence, encompassing our modus operandi of communication. The contentious issue of whether technology has ameliorated our communication skills is a subject of considerable debate, albeit my firm conviction lies in the affirmative. In this exegesis, I shall expatiate on the reasons underpinning my stance, buttressed by pertinent evidence and illustrations.
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