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Social media companies should censor certain types of speech.

◆答案(Body 1)

Firstly, biased and incorrect information may be disseminated without censorship. Today, not only do individuals write a wide variety of views on social media, but other organizations such as newspaper companies and political groups share a wide array of information there. Some might regard it as favorable since people can encounter different opinions. In reality, however, myriad misinformation and biased arguments are presented in Twitter, Facebook and other social media services, which has caused detrimental consequences. For instance, one of the presidential elections in the United States is said to have been influenced by disinformation spread by groups with malicious intent, reportedly having affected the decisions of the electorate and eventually skewed the result. This pernicious aspect of social media should not be ignored, and censorship is undeniably one of the most effective measures to prevent such disturbance from occurring again.

太字のdisseminatea wide array ofは、前回の記事でChatGPTが教えてくれた表現を忘れないうちに使ってみました。






Yes, the passage is grammatically correct.


censorship is undeniably one of the most effective measures to prevent such disturbance from occurring again

censorship is undeniably one of the most effective measures to prevent the recurrence of such disturbances





  • In 2020, false information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic was widely circulated on social media, including ….

  • Online hate speech and harassment are prevalent on social media, with ….

  • Some political groups or foreign governments have used social media to spread propaganda or disinformation in order to influence public opinion or interfere in other countries' elections. For example, ….

  • Social media algorithms and echo chambers can reinforce biases and limit exposure to diverse perspectives. This ….


また、「いろんな情報に触れるというよりむしろ、自分の好む思想ばかりに染め上げられてしまう」というecho chamber的な話を深めて書くのもアリでしたが、かなり長くなりそうで、それよりもシンプルに「偏った・誤った情報がソーシャルメディア上にはたくさん存在するよね」という筋で押し切って書いたのが上の答案です。




However, there is one sentence where the word "myriad" might not be the best choice, as it could be seen as overly formal or pretentious in this context. A simpler word like "many" or "numerous" might be more appropriate.

myriad(無数の)という単語、好きなんですけどね…。「過度にフォーマル/もったいぶっている」とみなされかねない という指摘でした。そうなのかな…。numerousぐらいにしておくのが無難そうです(が、好きなのでmyriadは今後も使うと思います)。

Additionally, the use of the word "favorable" in the second sentence could be replaced with a stronger adjective like "beneficial" to more clearly convey the writer's argument.






I would expect it to receive a score between 7 and 9 out of 10



Social media has become a platform where individuals and organizations can freely express their views and share information. While this may be seen as favorable in providing diverse opinions, it has also allowed for the spread of misinformation and biased arguments without censorship. Twitter, Facebook, and other social media services have seen a plethora of such information disseminated, leading to detrimental consequences. For instance, reports suggest that malicious groups disseminated disinformation that influenced a presidential election in the United States, causing the electorate to make biased decisions and skewing the final result. Such pernicious aspects of social media cannot be ignored and must be addressed to prevent such occurrences from happening again. One of the most effective measures to tackle this issue is censorship. Although it is important to ensure that freedom of speech is not hindered, it is also necessary to prevent the spread of information that may harm society as a whole.  

  • diverse 多様な、異なった
    ついvariousa wide variety ofばかり使ってしまう癖が個人的にあるので、diverseも候補としてすぐ浮かぶようにしたいところ。

  • Although it is important to ensure that freedom of speech is not hindered, it is also necessary to prevent the spread of information that may harm society as a whole. 
    「言論の自由が大切なのは言うまでもなくて、検閲はあくまでcertain speechに対するものに留めて、抑制的であるべきとは考えていますよ」という姿勢を示すことで、幅広い視点から問題を捉えているとアピールした方がベターでしたね…。反省。やるなChatGPT。



今回の答案は、disseminateやa wide array ofなど、前回のChatGPTのアドバイスを活かして書けたところは満足です。

ただ、TOEFL®本番で書くことを考えると、以前に比べてスピードが少し落ちているような気がする(→見直しの時間がとれなくなる)ので、そこもやや意識したいところです。が、まずは質を上げるのが先なので、次回もChatGPTの助けを活かしながらレベルを上げていけると嬉しいですね :)


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