
📕福沢諭吉.1899「新女大学(段落23/24)」時事新報. 翻訳&AI訳.

五人の娘の父🖋️福沢諭吉 - 遺作が諭吉&お金(妻、キン)逝去後🇯🇵禁書、、、に👨‍🎤👨‍🦳🧔‍♂️誰がした⁉️


📸The title picture shows Fukuzawa Yukichi's five daughters - appeared on the homepage of "Fukuzawa Kinenkan" on October 20, 2020. - later disappeared as accessed on October 20, 2024

【旧仮名遣い】 福澤諭吉 『新女大学』. 1899. 原文段落23 of 24

  「女も再婚、のススメ 」

一 偕老同穴は夫婦の約束なれども、如何せん老少不定ろうしょうふじょうは天の命ずる所にして、偕老果して偕老ならずして夫の早く世を去ることあり。斯かかる不幸に際して跡に遺る婦人の年齢が四十五十にも達して、加うるに子供の数も多からんには、寡を守りて家に居る可きなれども、僅に二、三十以上まだ四十にも足らぬ身を以て寡居かきょは甚だ宜しからず。我輩の持論は其再縁を主張する者なれども、日本社会の風潮甚だ冷淡にして、学者間にも再縁論を論ずる者少なきのみか、寡居を以て恰も婦人の美徳と認め、貞婦二夫に見まみえずなど根拠もなき愚説を喋々して、却て再縁を妨ぐるの風あるこそ遺憾なれ。古人の言う二夫云々は、有夫の婦人が同時に第二の男子に接するの意味ならん。即ち今の有婦の男子が花柳に戯るゝが如き不品行を警いましめたるものならんなれども、人間の死生は絶対の天命にして人力の及ぶ所に非ず。昨日の至親ししんも今日は無なり。既に無に帰したる上は之を無として、生者は生者の謀はかりごとを為す可し。死に事つかうること生に事うるが如しとは人の情なれども、人情は以て人事の実を左右す可らず。例えば死者を祭るに供物を捧ぐるは生者の情なれども、其情如何に濃こまやかなるも亡き人をして飲食せしむることは叶わず。左れば生者が死者に対して情を尽すは言うまでもなく、懐旧の恨は天長地久も啻ただならず、此恨このうらみ綿々絶ゆる期ごなしと雖も、冥土人間じんかん既に処を殊ことにすれば、旧を懐うの人情を以て今に処するの人事を妨ぐ可らず。一瞥心機を転じて身外しんがいの万物を忘れ、其旧を棄てゝ新惟これ謀るは人間大自在の法にして、我輩が飽くまでも再縁論を主張する由縁なり。殊に男女の再縁は世界中の普通なるに、独り我日本国に於ては之を男子に自由にして女子に窮窟にす。自から両者対等の権力に影響なきを得ず。是れ亦我輩の等閑に看過せざる所のものなり。

《リンクあり→福澤諭吉.「女大学評論・新女大学」. (林望監修, 講談社学術文庫, 1899/2000)p.116》

買わずに読むなら www.aozora.gr.jp で閲覧可 ☞☞☞リンクあり

【標準日本語、敗戦後版】福澤諭吉 『新女大学』. 1899. 段落23 of 24.

 「女も再婚、のススメ 」





【DeepL Pro 訳版】 Yukichi Fukuzawa. 1899. Shin Onna Daigaku; New Women’s Life Principles - Installment 23 of 24

     "Encouragement of Remarriage, for Women"

  Even for couples who have promised to live together in old age, the length of life is uncontrollable. In reality, husbands of both young and old sometimes die before their wives. If the surviving wife is 40 or 50 years old and has many children, she will remain at home as a widow when such an unfortunate event occurs. However, if the young widow is still in her 20s or 30s, it is not a good idea for her to remain a widow.

  My theory is to remarry. The trend in Japanese society is extremely cold toward widows, with few male scholars discussing remarriage, and widows who have lost their spouses are often told to protect their homes alone as if it were a “virtue of women,” and they butterfly such baseless and foolish theories as “chaste women and widows are not to be seen as husband and wife. This trend of discouraging women from re-marriage is extremely regrettable. The term “second husband,” as used by the old humans, refers to a married woman having relations with more than one man, and is merely a warning against “playful women,” such as the married “playful men” who frolic in the pleasure quarters of the geisha world and other places of entertainment.

  Death is a natural fate beyond human control, so it is completely unknown when it will come. Those who have died must understand that “the departed are nothing,” and those who have survived must make plans for their future lives. I can understand the feelings of those who mourn the dead, saying, “To die is as good as to live. However, we should not let human feelings dictate the lives of those who live today. For example, it is in line with human feelings to offer offer offerings to the dead, but it is not possible to make the dead eat and drink, no matter how deep one's feelings may be. Even if the living are devoted to the dead, not even the gods can change what has passed. The dead in the underworld and the living are in different places. Therefore, we must not let our nostalgia for the past interfere with the lives of those who live today. We can maintain our “present selves” by making a fresh start, forgetting everything but ourselves, and once and for all abandoning our connection to the old days, and designing a new life for ourselves. That's where remarriage comes in.

  The reason I insist on remarriage is to rebuild the life of “who I am now. Remarriage is a reality that is common all over the world. In Japan, only men are free, but women are confined. Because of the old Japanese mindset, men and women do not have equal power, and their way of life is influenced by this system. I am one of those who cannot overlook such inequality.

(Title title picture shows Fukuzawa Yukichi's five daughters - appeared on the homepage of "Fukuzawa Kinenkan" on October 20, 2020. ; subsequently disappeared per the “note” author’s access on October 20, 2024)


母も父も、祖父も祖母も次世代に伝えてこなかったが、確かにあった究極の明治時代版の「女の子はどう生きるか(21世紀版は、上野千鶴子著、リンクあり) 、を福澤諭吉が書いていたとは。あのさあ、ちゃんと読書しろよ「オノレ」。不幸な専業主婦見て学び「結婚しねえ」という慧眼をもち、「女も人ですか」と問い続けたフェミニスト研究者たちにゃマジ脱帽。結婚制度がどんな個人をも幸せにしないということを、若年女性としてすでに理解していた研究者らの、実になんと多いことか。彼女たちの秀でた著作が数多ありながら、何をしてきたのだ「オノレ」、己の頭をポカスカ殴る。「オノレ」も日本で嫁になったバカの一人、学生時代も社会人時代も、優れた著述に触れる努力怠り、フワフワバリバリ恋に資格に学業仕事し暮らした空っぽ「オノレ」の愚鈍さに呆れる。「嫁」=「家畜小屋で飼うメスブタ」という部首で成り立つ漢字だって、小学校で習ったか?

A translator/note.com writer's murmur:
Yukichi Fukuzawa (1835-1901) was a father of five daughters, an educator, a writer, and a translator, appeared on Japan's 10,000-yen bill between 1984-2024. The original writing of "Shin Onna Daigaku; New Women’s Life Principles" was published in 1899; two years prior to Yukichi's passing in 1901. This book was officially banned by Japanese governmental university scholars after Yukichi's death, and remained untranslated, or illegible by modern Japanese language learners born after 1930's. First translation into Modern Japanese language was published in 2020 (see below for further references).

【References / 出典】

福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. 林望監修. 講談社学術文庫. 講談社.p118-. the website link below was accessed on October 9, 2024


福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. 慶應義塾大学メディアセンター Keio University Libraries. <https://dcollections.lib.keio.ac.jp/sites/all/libraries/uv/uv.php?archive=FKZ&id=F7-A53#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=10&r=0&z=-24.8506%2C0%2C3645.7011%2C2952>. Accessed on June 29th, 2024.

青空文庫. 2006. 福澤諭吉「女大学評論・新女大学」. Accessed on June 26th , 2024. 親本:「福澤諭吉全集 第六巻」. 1959. 岩波書店、初出:「時事新報」1899から連載. 時事新報社



福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. Accessed on June 29th, 2024.


北康利.2007.「福澤諭吉 ー 国を支えて国を頼らず」.講談社. Tokyo, Japan


西澤直子. Naoko Nishizawa. 2011. "福澤諭吉と女性: Fukuzawa Yukichi and Women". the website link below was accessed on October 9, 2024


小室正紀編.2013."近代日本と福澤諭吉".慶應義塾大学出版会. Tokyo, Japan


【翻訳の手順: Translation performed using Deepl.com, in the order of;】

→Japanese 1 (original writing in ancient Japanese language; illegible for modern/standard Japanese language users)
→translated into English 1, using DeepL Pro (DeepL.com)
→translated into standard Japanese 2, using DeepL Pro (DeepL.com)
→edited by a “note” writer (adding objects, subjects, verbs, tense, postpositional particles, auxiliary verbs, etc.)
→translated into English 2, using DeepL Pro/Write(DeepL.com)
→"re-re-"edited by the "note" article writer.
