TIME誌 次世代のリーダー2023より
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 第744号
TIME June 12 2023 Issue Special Report/ Next Generation Leaders
今号(6月4日発売)の特集(Next Generation Leaders)↓
今回選ばれていた7名の中から二人をピックアップ (^ー^)
◆ U.K. "Florence Pugh" By Eliana Dockterman ◆
Saving the movie star from extinction/
フローレンス・ピュー(Florence Pugh)はマーヴェル作品の映画『ブラック・ウィドウ』
TIME US版の表紙を飾っています。
★アリ・アスター監督の『ミッドサマー』(原題: Midsummar)
『ストーリー・オブ・マイライフ/わたしの若草物語』(原題:Little Women)。
Because a childhood illness affected her breathing, Pugh still has a gravelly voice that lends itself to anguish.
子どもの頃の病気で呼吸に影響した関係で、彼女はしゃがれ声(gravelly voice)で、それが、かえって苦悩(anguish)を演じるのにうまく適していたりする。(lend oneself to)
But she's no one-trick pony: equally adept at comedy and action, she has appeared in superhero flicks and indies. She's a magnetic and multifaceted onscreen presence, the kind that doesn't come around very often.
しかし、彼女は決してワンパターンしかできない(one-trick pony)役者じゃない。(^-^)v
コメディもアクションもうまい(adept)から、スーパーヒーロー映画にもインディーズ映画にも出ていて、スクリーンでは人を惹きつける(magnetic)多種多様な(multifaceted)存在感をみせる、めったに現れることがない(doesn't come around very often)逸材です。
■ Raw Diamond ダイヤモンドの原石
Her smile betrays a confidence near impossible to achieve at 27.
She's honed her control of her emotions into an art for delicate scenes.
"Despite her youth, she has a drive and assurance," says Villeneuve.
"You feel you're working with someone who can absolutely go anywhere and
do anything emotionally in the most subtle and precise way. She's a raw diamond."
日本では2024年に公開予定の『デューン 砂の惑星 PART2』(原題:Dune: Part Two)の、Denis Villeneuve監督は、彼女のことを「ダイヤモンドの原石」と褒めちぎってます。☆ o(^ー^)o☆o(^ー^)o☆
■ 成功作品になるかどうか、撮影中の雰囲気(vibe)だけでわかる (・o・;)
After nearly a decade in the business, Pugh can sense whether a film will
succeed based on vibes alone. Has she ever thought, while on set, that a movie was simply falling apart?
"Definitely," she says. "A whole film set, it's everybody making a huge effort
because they want to be there. And if someone doesn't want to be there or
if someone isn't pulling their weight, you can feel it. The film feels wrong."
「もし誰かがその場にいたくないと思っていたり、自分の役割[職務・分担]を十分果たさず全力を出し切ってなかったら(not pull one's weight)、わかってしまう。この作品。。。なんか違う(おかしい)って。」
◆ U.S. "Sage Lenier" By Kyla Mandel ◆
Centering solutions in the climate fight.
24歳の環境活動家(climate activist)、Sage Lenierさん! (^^)d
Too often, she says, higher education focuses solely on the problems instead of exploring solutions to the world's many pressing environmental challenges.
The result can leave students feeling overwhelmed and depressed.
So in 2018, as a 19-year-old student at the University of California, Berkeley,
Lenier designed the Solutions for a Sustainable & Just Future course.
Since then it has enrolled over 1,800 students, 600 of whom Lenier taught herself.
5年前、UCバークレーの学生だったLenierさん(当時19歳)は、そんな環境教育がないなら、自分でつくってしまおうと思い立ち、プログラム(クラス)を創設。1,800人を超える学生がそのコースに登録。600名の学生を前にLenierさん自身が講義を行いました。(-_-)ウーム すごい行動力!
The goal, she says, is to inspire young people, and equip them with the tools needed to figure out how they can best take action-right now.
■ 今年1月、NPO "Sustainable & Just Future"を 立ち上げて世界中の大学でもコースを開始
Building on the program's success at Berkeley, in the spring of 2021 a onetime virtual version of the course was made available online in partnership with the nonprofit Zero Waste USA.
And in January, Lenier - who recently completed a fellowship with the Op-Ed Project and the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication - helped launch the Sustainable & Just Future nonprofit with the aim of bringing the solutions course to other universities around the world.
According to surveys by her nonprofit, 71% of students have said they are, or plan to be, involved in an environmental organization or initiative thanks to the course.
コースを受けた学生の71%が、現在環境団体にかかわっている、or かかわる予定だといいます。
People would come out of the program and say,
"I'm a different person. I've decided to do XYZ with my life.
I've decided to start this community initiative".
do XYZ : 出せる力を出し切る!全力でやる。
"Being able to hold space for that change - that's the most important thing I need to do."
では、今回は、このへんで。 (^-^)