Issa Rae、人種間のWealth Gapをうめるリーダーの一人。
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 第777号
TIME Feb. 12, 2024号 第一弾 Cove Story
◆ "ISSA RAE" By Andrew R. Chow
Spreading the wealth.
18 Black leaders working to end the racial wealth gap. より、
今号の表紙↓米国人女優のIssa Raeの記事から。
私がIssa Raeを最初に知ったのは、2020年制作の"The Lovebirds"というNetflixで配信されていたコメディ映画でした。(期待せずに見たら、声をあげて笑えるくらい最高に面白かったのでこの女優さんのことは、覚えてました。v(^o^)v)
去年ヒットしてとても話題になっていたグレタ・ガーウィグ監督作品"バービー"でも、「大統領バービー」役の女優さんです! (^^)d
In public, Rae was absolutely crushing it: She won a Peabody Trailblazer award, stole scenes in two of the year's most hyped films, Barbie and American Fiction, and released the second season of her critically acclaimed Max show Rap Sh!t.
crush it: 大成功する 〔スポーツ試合などで〕大勝利を収める 〔成績・業績などが〕絶好調である
Peabody Award: ピーボディ賞はアメリカのテレビ・ラジオ・ウェブサイ トの優れた放送作品に贈られる賞。
ピーボディ賞受賞、話題大ヒット映画2本(=BarbieとAmerican Ficiton
に出演("American Ficiton"は第96回アカデミー賞5部門ノミネート!)
But, she had to lay off eight employees during the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes; navigate a labyrinth of California business laws; and watch as her projects got sidelined or canceled. In January, Rap Sh!t was axed by Warner Bros. Discovery. Perhaps worst of all, Rae says she witnessed Hollywood backsliding on pledges to increase representation and diversity.
そういえば、去年は AIの利用を巡って全米脚本家組合(WGA)や全米映画俳優組合(SAG-AFTRA)ストライキがありました! 俳優業だけじゃなくて脚本書いたり、番組制作のプロデューサーだったり、事業家でもRaeも、従業員を解雇せざるを得えなくなったり、プロジェクトもいくつかキャンセルされたり番組打ち切りになったりと・・・厳しい状況も経験されたご様子。
■ Plans for a better 2024!(より良い2024年にする計画)
She's developing at least two new projects for HBO. She's also working to build a studio campus in South L.A.
Rae has long made it her priority to create pipelines for people of color,
but as she scales upward, she's learning more and more about how to balance her personal entrepreneurial priorities with a larger fight for equity.
これまでも、有色人種(People of color)の間でパイプラインをつくるようなことを長い間優先してきたRaeですが、今年はその規模をより大きくして、
"I recognize that I have to do well economically to be able to make change," she says. "That's frustrating, that's ugly. But I recognize that money moves things faster - and so much of what I do is with the intention to help make those moves."
Rae's growing portfolio includes a production company (Hoorae), an indie music label (Raedio), a management company (Color Creative), a marketing agency (Fete), a prosecco line (Viarae), a hair-care brand (Sienna Naturals), and a stake in the U.S. SailGP Team. About a mile and a half from her Hoorae offices sits the Inglewood branch of Hilltop Coffee, a coffee shop that Rae co-owns; it's about an eight-minute-drive from the house she grew up in.
Many of her enterprises are specifically geared toward creating opportunities
for her community. Rae used Insecure as a breeding ground for Black talent, allowing writers, musicians, actors, producers, and others to cut their teeth on a prime-time HBO show. Her other businesses function similarly: she gives proteges titles and helps them grow into those roles.
■ 今のハリウッド(エンタメ業界)のリーダーたちは、Smartじゃない!
Rae does not mince words when it comes to the current leaders of Hollywood. "I' sorry, but there aren't a lot of smart executives anymore," she says. "And a lot of them have aged out and are holding on to their positions and refusing to let young blood get in."
In prior eras, Rae says, the money-making suits mostly stayed away from creative choices. "Now these conglomerate leaders are also making the decisions about Hollywood. Y'all aren't creative people. Stick to the money," she says.
「一昔前は、スーツを着たお偉方というのはクリエイティブ面でのチョイスになって関わらないものだったの。それが今の業界大手のリーダーたちときたら、ハリウッドの仕事(=制作、脚本や役者のチョイス)にまで口をはさんできて!(⇒ これはDisneyやNetflixの経営者のこと言っているのか?と一瞬思いました)
She says industry changes have forced her to reevaluate the feasibility of
"smaller, quieter projects." "When you have all of these streaming services that are competing with each other, it means they're also moving the goalposts of what success looks like and what their brand is. It's all mush," she says.
業界でもこの「変化」のせいで彼女は「よりスマートで、おとなしいプロジェクト」のフィージビリティを再評価せざるを得なくなった、と言います。 (+_+)
"I know what my brand identity is and what I want to make. But if that doesn't align with who's paying me to make stuff, then that's complex. We are malleable, but only to an extent."
プロジェクトを成功させる資金を握っている業界に対しても、もちろんある程度は順応できる。「ある程度だけならね」(but only to an extent)。
今回は、このへんで。 (^-^)