脳の「学習する」しくみ -BPアルゴリズム-
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 第804号
The Economist Aug. 17, 2024号 Great Minds/ Science & technology section
◆"Backprop in the brain"
AI scientists are producing new theories of how the brain learns
The challenge for neuroscientists is how to test them.
Brains learn by being subtly rewired: some connections between neurons, known as synapses, are strengthened, while others must be weakened.
How the brain knows which synapses to tweak and by how much?
Dr Hinton popularised a clever mathematical algorithm known as backpropagation to solve this problem in artificial neural networks. But it was long thought to be too unwieldy to have evolved in the human brain.
誤差逆転伝播 (backpropagation=BP)とは、コンピュータが人間の脳のように学習する方法(アルゴリズム)の一つで、間違った答えを出したときに、どのように間違えたのかを逆にたどって正しい答えに近づける方法。
Now, as AI models are beginning to look increasingly human-like in their abilities, scientists are questioning whether the brain might do something similar after all.
■ 脳が学習するしくはどうなっているのかについて、いくつかのセオリー
One of the most prominent and longstanding theories of how the brain learns is Hebbian learning. The idea is that neurons which activate at roughly the same time become more strongly connected; often summarised as "cells that fire together wire together".
ヘッブの学習則(Hebbian learning rule)
要約すれば「ニューロンAの発火がニューロンBを発火させると2つのニューロンの結合が強まる」(fire together wire together)ということ。(^^)d
Hebbian learning can explain how brains learn simple associations—think of Pavlov's dogs salivating at the sound of a bell.
Today's top AI models: Such a model would be made up of thousands of synthetic neurons, arranged in layers. Pictures are fed into the first layer of the network, which sends information about the content of each pixel to the next layer through the AI equivalent of synaptic connections.
Integral to this learning process is the so-called backpropagation-of-error algorithm, often known as backprop.
人工ニューラルネットワーク(ANN)上で、最近主流になっているAIモデルは、誤差逆転伝播(BP)のアルゴリズム(backpropとも言われる)によるもの。 (^o^)/
If the network is shown an image of a bird but mistakenly concludes that it is not, then - once it realises the gaffe - it generates an error signal.
This error signal moves backwards through the network, layer by layer, strengthening
or weakening each connection in order to minimise any future errors.
その間違いを逆向きにたどって(this error signal moves backwards through the network)、どの部分をどう修正すれば良いかをコンピュータ自身に教えて、次回からは間違いを最小限にとどめる(minimise any future errors)ようにする方法。
■ Neuroscientists have always been sceptical that backpropagation could work in the brain.
For one thing, neurons mostly send information in one direction.
For backpropagation to work in the brain, a perfect mirror image of each network of neurons would therefore have to exist in order to send the error signal backwards.
ほとんどのニューロン間の情報伝達は一方向であり、脳内で誤ったシグナルを逆方向(backprop)に流せるような、完璧な"脳の鏡"といえる神経細胞ネットワーク(a perfect mirror image)は、存在しえないという考えがあった。
■ All the same (それでもなお)!(^~^)
All the same, the success of neural networks has renewed interest in whether some kind of backprop happens in the brain. There have been promising experimental hints it might.
これまでのANNモデルが成功しているからか、脳ではbackprop的な何らかの動きが起こっているんじゃないか?!という新しい関心が生まれてきており、それを示唆するような実験結果も報告されている。 (・o・;)
A preprint study published in November 2023, for example, found that individual neurons in the brains of mice do seem to be responding to unique error signals, one of the crucial ingredients of backprop-like algorithms long thought lacking in living brains.
Scientists working at the boundary between neuroscience and AI have also shown that small tweaks to backprop can make it more brain-friendly.
One influential study showed that the mirror-image network once thought necessary does not have to be an exact replica of the original for learning to take place. This makes it less implausible. Others have found ways of bypassing a mirror network altogether.
■ 新しい学習原理 「prospective configuration」
Other researchers are exploring rather different theories.
In conventional backprop, error signals lead to adjustments in the synapses, which in turn cause changes in neuronal activity. The Oxford researchers proposed that the network could change the activity in the neurons first, and only then adjust the synapses to fit.
この新しい学習原理は「prospective configuration」と名付けられた。
★要するに、生物が持つ脳の方が、機械学習システム(ANN)よりも微妙で複雑な動きができてより優れている! っていう理論ですねぇ~。こういうの、いいなぁ。(^^♪★
Identifying the algorithm, or algorithms, that the brain uses to learn would be
a big step forward for neuroscience. Not only would it shed light on how the body's most mysterious organ works, it could also help scientists build new AI-powered tools to try to understand specific neural processes.
今回は、このへんで。 (^-^)