元横綱 曙 死去 The Economist(死亡記事より)



★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 第787号



パトリシア・ハイスミスのミステリー小説「The Talented Mr. Ripley(才能あるリプリー氏)」のドラマ化作品。60年代にアラン・ドロンを有名にした『太陽がいっぱい』、その後(若き、マット・デイモン主演の)『リプリー』(1999年作)でもリメイクされています!



(山田太一原作、大林信彦監督)、そのリメイクのイギリス映画『異人たち』(All of US Strangers)が公開中で、主演はアンドリュー・スコットです!観に行こうかな~。でもいつかNETFLIXで配信されるかもなぁ~とちょっと迷っています。(^~^)





◆ 2024年4月20日号 Obituary(死亡記事)より(>_<)
"A gaijin makes good"
Akebono was the first foreign-born grand champion of sumo
The wrestler who shocked and changed Japan died in early April, aged 54


土俵の上で、闘いが始まる前の曙の様子、英語で描写されるとすごく神妙な感じがします。現役の頃のあの圧倒的な迫力と強さ (^^)d うっすらと脳裏に残ってます。
Except for his loincloth, he was naked. His mountainous torso glistened with sweat, oil, fat and muscle. Moments before he had rinsed his mouth with power-water, rubbed his body with power-paper and grabbed a handful of purifying salt to scatter in the ring.

すすぎ(rinsed mouth)、力水で体を清め、一握りの「清めの塩(purifying salt)」を土俵(ring)にまく(scatter)。

His long hair was caught up in a topknot styled like a leaf of the ginkgo tree.
He had clapped his hands to alert the gods, stamped his feet to scare off evil spirits, and shown with a few deft postures that he had no weapons. He was more than ready.

大銀杏(おおいちょう)に結われたまげ(topknot)の頭髪、爪先立ちで両膝を開いた器用な体勢(deft posutres)(=蹲踞(そんきょ))になり柏手を打って(clap hands)神様に「武器を持たずに(have no weapons)正々堂々と素手で闘います!」と誓う(=塵浄水(ちりちょうず))。

At 2.03 metres, he towered above his rivals. (His name meant "dawn", because when he stood up it was like the sun rising.) He also outweighed most of them, swelling from 154kg, when at 18 he started training, to 235kg five years later.


★ ハワイ出身(アメリカ人)の力士!

Akebono was also American, a Hawaiian, one of very few foreigners before the 1990s who endured the training regime. He romped through the regular 15-match tournaments, rose swiftly through the rankings and became, in 1993, the first-ever non-Japanese yokozuna, or grand champion.

15場所、楽々と勝ち進み(romp through)、番付(ranking)もどんどん上がっていき...1993年、初の外国生まれの横綱が誕生しました!(大きな体に横綱の風格あふれてる、と日本人の多くもそう思っていたような気がします。)(+_+)

When he wrestled, he was neither American nor Japanese: just a wrestler, whose body by the end did the thinking for him. It was never a matter of planting his flag in the middle of the ring and taking on a rival nation. He was learning a great, ancient skill.

相撲をとるとき、彼はアメリカ人でも日本人でもなく、ただの「力士=レスラー」だった。。彼にとって、相撲で勝つことは、自国が他国で旗をあげるなんていう発想は全くなくて、ただ、ただ、一つの偉大な古くからの「技」を学び、磨いていくことだった。(生粋のサムライみたいやなぁ。 (^ー^))

★ He had the sumo ethos in spades.
 「彼は 相撲の精神(エトス)をよく心得ていた」

Already, as a sekitori or senior wrestler, he qualified for
a car and driver, customised kimonos to wear in public and a host of assistants. But he was not a man for showing off.


As a yokozuna his new monthly salary of $15,000, though huge for a sumo wrestler, was still tiny by American standards. And it was all he needed. Once the splendid belt was off he stayed dignified and humble, an ordinary Hawaiian who loved welcoming high-schoolers, plying them with snacks and teaching them how to wrestle.


■ 角界への影響と引退

His example brought many more foreign wrestlers to sumo. Some were Hawaiian; more were Mongolian. Eastern Europeans came. By 2000 many Japanese worried that their national sport did not have enough native recruits, let alone champions.


In 2002 the elders reduced to one the number of foreigners allowed in each stable. But the truth was that, among the young, sumo was increasingly seen as hidebound and audience-unfriendly.

相撲協会は2002年、理事会で「外国人力士の採用は、各部屋(stable)1人限り」と決めました。実際のところ、若者の間で、相撲は極めて保守的(hidebound)で観客に冷たい(audience-unfriendly) な世界だとみられるようになっていった、という背景もあります。

Akebono himself wanted it to be more exciting and open to anyone.

Eleven thousand people watched as, one by one, 320 friends and colleagues came up to snip a few strands from his topknot with a pair of gold-plated scissors. He felt sad, much more than he thought he would. His head felt lighter, but not with the loss of his hair; more with the loss of a great honour, and the responsibility he had carried to bring two nations together.




今回は、このへんで。 (^-^)

