


★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 第786号






TIME April 8, 2024号 第二弾 Business/ Tec. Artificial Intelligence

◆"Desert Power" By Billy Perrigo
The United Arab Emirates -- using oil wealth and its citizens' data -- is betting on AI to project influence beyond its borders.

今回、この記事でアラブ首長国連邦(United Arab Emirates=UAE)が


The AI system, which cost several million dollars to train, was funded by
an arm of the Abu Dhabi government called the Advanced Technology Research Council (ATRC).

When the AI, named Falcon after the UAE's national bird, was publicly released last September, it became a sensation. By some measures it was the best open-source large language model (LLM) available in the world at that point, outperforming top offerings from Meta and Google.

アブダビの先端技術研究評議会(ATRC)の莫大な投資により生まれたAI Systemその有力な大規模言語モデル(LLM)「ファルコン」がオープンソース(無償で一般公開)で去年の9月に発表されました。 (・o・;)

Sandwiched between the two superpowers, the United Arab Emirates is beginning to punch above its weight. The tiny Gulf nation of some 10 million is betting big on the technology as an engine for diversifying its economy away from oil, and for projecting geopolitical influence beyond its borders.

一見、能力以上の試合に挑む(punch above its weight)ようなスポーツチームに見えたことでしょう。

■ UAE's AI Ambitions

At a research and development lab in Dubai on a rare rainy evening in February, the UAE's AI Minister Omar Al Olama sits down to discuss the nation's AI ambitions.

The 34-year-old Al Olama reels off a list of ways AI could improve the quality of life in the Gulf nation: reducing road traffic, improving hospital capacity, cutting down on state bureaucracy, even creating an AI-enabled tour guide for tourists.

  • reel off : よどみなく[すらすらと]話す[書く]、並べ立てる (^^)d

★UAEで2017年(同時27歳のとき)AI大臣に任命されて、以来2023年までにUAEをAI分野の主要国(leading nation)にするという使命に向かっているOmar Al Olama大臣。現在34歳。

AIが同国の生活の質(the quality of life)をいかに改善するかについて、よどみなく話します。交通量の緩和、病院収容数の改善、国の官僚手続きを削減、旅行者へAI主導のツアーガイドetc.

Increasing quality of life, Al Olama insists, is the main driver of the UAE's ambitions here. Economic growth is an incentive too. "We do believe that through artificial intelligence, we'll be able to expand our economic footprint and really become one of the big players in certain domains," he says.


"He's very personable. Without airs, he moves in and makes friends with people. His youth is an essential part of that charisma."

Al Olama大臣は、「人好きのする(personable)性格で、威張ったり気取ったりするとこもなく(without airs) 人とすぐ友達になれる。その若さも彼のカリスマ性には不可欠なところ」ということらしい。

■ 優秀なAI人材確保のためにも?オープンソースのライセンスで。

A big part of the thinking behind the UAE's open-source commitment, according to Al Olama, is to attract top AI researchers away from lucrative jobs at Silicon Valley tech companies by giving them a sense of purpose.

シリコンバレーの高給を得るトップのAI研究者たちに、「目的意識=sense of purpose」を与えることで、彼らをUAEへ引き抜きたい。 (-_-)ウーム

"If you bring a person who is the top scientist in this field, and you tell him you have two options:
either work for-profit, closed-source, and just benefit yourself, or work on something that's open-source that will really change the lives of people, what would you decide?" Al Olama says.


"We realized that the attraction of talent is much better when people actually believe this is for the greater good."


確かに、ナイーブなキレイごと?に聞こえてしまいそうですが、それが純粋な意図であれば、なんて清廉潔白なすばらしい大臣の話なんだ~となりますね。 (^ー^)

■ しかし、いろんな「制限」があって。。。

But the UAE also faces challenges when attracting top researchers. For all its low taxes, sunshine, and glamour, civil liberties and internet freedoms in the UAE are subject to "significant" restrictions, according to Freedom House,
which rates the country as "not free."


LGTBQ+ activity is criminalized, and labor abuses among the migrant workers brought in to support the UAE's service and construction industries are well documented.

LGTBQ関連の活動は犯罪だとされ、この国で多く暮らす移民労働者への搾取、人道的見地からの諸問題は十分に裏付けされています(well-documented)からね。 (-_-;)

■ 米中対立の中では、それでも米国寄り?

Gulf kingdoms share China's autocratic model for governance but historically fall in line with Washington on security.


Today, Emirati officials are keen to stress their closeness to Washington.
"The UAE has been a strategic partner to the U.S. since our founding, we've gone through a lot," says Al Olama.


今回は、このへんで。 (^-^)

