


Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss in Adults: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis

 Journal:JAMA network open. 2024 Dec
IMPORTANCE : Current guidance on the duration of aerobic exercise recommended in existing guidelines comes primarily from individual trials. Meta-analyses are lacking to examine the dose-response association of aerobic exercise with adiposity measures.
OBJECTIVE : To clarify the dose-response association of aerobic exercise with adiposity measures.
DATA SOURCES : PubMed, Scopus, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and gray literature sources (ProQuest and ClinicalTrials.gov) from inception to April 30, 2024.
STUDY SELECTION : Randomized clinical trials with intervention durations of at least 8 weeks evaluating the effects of supervised aerobic training on adults with overweight or obesity.
DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS : The PRISMA guidelines were followed to report the results of the meta-analysis. Data extraction was conducted by 2 teams of 2 reviewers each, working independently and in duplicate. Random-effects meta-analyses were performed to estimate mean differences and 95% CIs for each 30-minute per week aerobic exercise and to clarify the shape of the curvilinear associations.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES : Measures of body weight, waist circumference, body fat, adverse events, medication use reduction, and health-related quality of life score. The certainty of evidence was assessed using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) tool, with a range from very low to high certainty.
RESULTS : In total, 116 randomized clinical trials involving 6880 participants (4199 [61%] female; mean [SD] age, 46 [13] years) with overweight or obesity were included. Each 30 minutes per week of aerobic exercise was associated with reduced body weight by 0.52 kg (95% CI, -0.61 to -0.44 kg; n = 109 trials, GRADE = moderate), waist circumference by 0.56 cm (95% CI, -0.67 to -0.45 cm; n = 62 trials, GRADE = high), body fat percentage by 0.37% (95% CI, -0.43% to -0.31%; n = 65 trials, GRADE = moderate), as well as the areas of visceral (mean difference, -1.60 cm2 [95% CI, -2.12 to -1.07 cm2]; n = 26 trials, GRADE = high) and subcutaneous (mean difference, -1.37 cm2 [95% CI, -1.82 to -0.92 cm2]; n = 27 trials, GRADE = moderate) adipose tissues. Aerobic exercise was associated with modestly increased physical (standardized mean difference, 1.69 SD [95% CI, 1.18-2.20 SD]) and mental (standardized mean difference, 0.74 SD [95% CI, 0.29-1.19 SD]) aspects of quality of life (1 trial with 80 participants, GRADE = low). It was associated with modestly increased mild to moderate adverse events, which were mostly musculoskeletal symptoms (risk difference, 2 more events per 100 participants [95% CI, 1 to 2 more]; GRADE = low). Dose-response meta-analyses indicated that body weight, waist circumference, and body fat measures decreased linearly or monotonically in association with increasing duration of aerobic exercise to 300 minutes per week, with aerobic exercise lasting 150 minutes per week at moderate to vigorous intensities resulting in clinically important reductions in waist circumference and body fat.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE : In this meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials, engaging in 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per week was associated with modest reductions in body weight, waist circumference, and body fat measures among adults with overweight or obesity. However, aerobic training exceeding 150 minutes per week at moderate intensity or greater may be needed to achieve clinically important reductions.

ダイエットではどのくらいの時間、有酸素運動をすれば痩せることができるだろうか。この疑問について、英国のインペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドンの公衆衛生学部疫学・生物統計学科のAhmad Jayedi氏らの研究グループは有酸素運動と脂肪率の指標との用量反応関係を明らかにするために文献の系統的レビューと用量反応のメタ解析を行った。その結果、週30分の有酸素運動は、成人の体重または肥満者の体重、ウエスト周囲径および体脂肪値の緩やかな減少と関連していることが明らかになった。この結果はJAMA Network Open誌2024年12月26日号に掲載された。


研究グループは、2024年4月30日までのPubMed、Scopus、Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trialsなどの文献から介入期間が8週間以上の無作為化臨床試験で、成人の過体重または肥満者に対する観察の下での有酸素運動の効果を評価したものについて検討し、PRISMAのガイドラインに従った。データ抽出は2人のレビュアーからなる2つのチームが、それぞれ独立して重複して実施。ランダム効果メタ解析を行い、週30分の有酸素運動ごとの平均差と95%信頼区間(CI)を推定し、曲線的な関連性の形状を明らかにした。
主要アウトカムは体重、ウエスト周囲径、体脂肪などであり、エビデンスの確実性は、GRADE(Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation)ツールを用いて、非常に低いものから高い確実性までの範囲で評価した。

結局、かなりの有酸素運動 2時間30分は有酸素運動ではかなりしんどいですよね。