
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.01.05]

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PBS NewsHour Jan. 4, 2023
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[00:00] 冒頭のトップニュース

[02:29]★今日のおすすめ★ 混乱が深まる下院議長選び
[03:26] LISA DESJARDINS: And not good for McCarthy, Groundhog Day,[* Groundhog Dayのたとえの説明
https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-living-groundhog-day-nightmare-six-failed-kevin-mccarthy-speaker-bids-1771407] with the words of yesterday...

[04:06] Another change, McCarthy lost the support of Victoria Spartz, who voted present,[* to vote present = Voting present on a piece of legislation means that you are not casting your vote either for or against the bill. Instead, you are simply acknowledging that you were present for the vote and are not contributing either to its passage or failure. Voting present does allow your attendance to be recorded for the record, which helps the House achieve a quorum, or the required number of members for business to be done in the chamber. https://www.distractify.com/p/what-does-it-mean-to-vote-present ]

[06:47] One may be trying to switch the threshold for a vote from a majority, which it is now, to a plurality, meaning whoever has the most number of votes. [* majorityとpluralityの違いを分かりやすく説明している]

[10:11] 共和党の内情に詳しい党関係者に聞く
[14:05] So, if the next vote tonight or tomorrow, whatever it may be, he has 24 people voting for him [* 文脈を考えると、not voting for him か voting against himの間違いか] or then 26 people, then writing is clear on the wall. 

[15:18] バイデン大統領ケンタッキー州訪問
[18:16] ホワイトハウス担当記者に聞く
[22:37] 今日のその他のニュース
[27:18] アメリカ各地で荒れる天候

[31:13] 経口中絶薬の規制緩和
[31:51] NARAL [* =National Abortion Rights Action League] called it "a science-based decision that will empower folks to get the care they need in the way that best works for them."

[32:32] and medication abortion are extraordinarily safe and that these restrictions, these REMS, [* = Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy https://www.heartbeatinternational.org/understanding-the-removal-of-rems-restrictions] rules, are not necessary to keep people safe, and only create barriers to accessing essential health care like abortion.

[39:36] アメリカに核を含む安全保障拡大を求める韓国
[45:59]★今日のおすすめ★ 議会襲撃事件当時の議会警察責任者に聞く

