
Prompt Baseで販売されている画像を真似してプロンプトを作ってみた!レトロな魅力編


  1. 参考文献

  2. 実際のプロンプト

  3. 基本事項まとめ






The images have the feel and antiquity of retro vintage advertising from the 1920s, [with a rough image quality and details that capture the women's radiant features], giving the viewer the impression of stepping into the past itself. Spring day, 1920s Young Vera-Ellen, 25, flowing blonde hair, bright blue eyes, lovely smile. She is out and about, basket in hand. Her flowing blonde hair flows gently around her face and frames her youthful, bright blue eyes. Her lovely smile radiates warmth and joy, capturing the essence of her carefree age. Like a skillfully painted canvas, this exquisite rendering takes the viewer back in time with its rich colors and deft brushstrokes.

The image has the feel and antiquity of a painting in a retro vintage ad from the 1920s, and the old image quality and details that capture the man's glowing features give the viewer the impression of stepping into the past itself. A spring day, 1920s. A young 25-year-old with gallant bronze hair, bright blue eyes, and a lovely smile. Her flowing bronze hair frames her youthful, bright blue eyes. His gentlemanly smile radiates warmth and joy, capturing the essence of his carefree age. She wears a gorgeous dress.

The image has the feel and antiquity of a retro vintage ad from the 1920s, and the old image quality and details that capture the woman's radiant features give the viewer the impression of stepping into the past itself. A spring day, 1920s. Young Yoko Mazda, 25, with flowing black hair, bright blue eyes, and a lovely smile. Her flowing black hair gently flows around her face, framing her youthful, bright blue eyes. Her lovely smile radiates warmth and joy, capturing the essence of her carefree age. She is wearing a kimono.


  1. The images have the feel and antiquity of retro vintage advertising from the 1920s ←固定要素「画像は1920年代のレトロなヴィンテージ広告のような雰囲気と古さを持ち」

  2. ★with a rough image quality and details that capture the women's radiant features, giving the viewer the impression of stepping into the past itself. ←可変要素「荒々しい画質と女性の輝くような特徴をとらえたディテールが、見る者に過去そのものに足を踏み入れたような印象を与える。」

  3. ★Spring day,  ←可変要素「春の日」

  4. ★1920s  ←可変要素「1920年代」

  5. ★Young Vera-Ellen, 25, ←可変要素「若いヴェラ=エレン、25歳」

  6. ★flowing blonde hair, bright blue eyes, lovely smile. ←「流れるようなブロンドの髪、鮮やかな青い瞳、愛らしい笑顔」

  7. ★She is out and about, basket in hand. ←可変要素「バスケットを手に外出中」

  8. ★Her flowing blonde hair flows gently around her face and frames her youthful, bright blue eyes. ←可変要素「流れるようなブロンドの髪が顔の周りを優しく流れ、若々しく鮮やかな青い瞳を縁取っている。」

  9. ★Her lovely smile radiates warmth and joy, capturing the essence of her carefree age. ←可変要素「彼女の愛らしい笑顔は温かさと喜びを放ち、屈託のない年齢の本質を捉えている。」

  10. ★Like a skillfully painted canvas, this exquisite rendering takes the viewer back in time with its rich colors and deft brushstrokes. ←可変要素「巧みに描かれたキャンバスのように、この絶妙な描写は、豊かな色彩と巧みな筆致で見る者をタイムスリップさせてくれる。」

⑤の要素「Young Vera-Ellen, 25,」を「A 25-year-old young man with gallant bronze hair, bright blue eyes, and a lovely smile.」(凛々しいブロンズの髪、鮮やかなブルーの瞳、愛らしい笑顔の25歳の若者)に変えたり、詳しく書けば書くほど、人物が明確になる感じですね。その他の可変部分に関してもその人物の詳細を記載するといったイメージです。

