令和6年能登半島地震被災者への緊急支援募金"ONIGIRI FOR NOTO"1月6日開催
NARISAWAとWAGYUMAFIAが共同主催しているONIGIRI FOR LOVEプロジェクトでは、明日1月6日土曜日正午より令和6年能登半島地震被災者への緊急支援募金活動を開始します。
ONIGIRI FOR LOVE Joint Charity Project, by Wagyumafia and Narisawa, will begin an emergency relief fund drive for the victims of the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake tomorrow, Jan 6th 1200 hours noon.
1月6日土曜日 12時開始、13時30分終了(90分間)
Date & Time: Jan 6th, Sat 1200 hours till 1330 hours. 90mins.
We will exchange onigiri for donations over 1000 yen. Each onigiri is carefully made by both restaurants and volunteers. Using local rice and salt from the disaster areas of Wajima and Suzu.
港区南青山2-6-15 NARISAWA前
Location: In front of NARISAWA, 2-6-15 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
石川県輪島産 能登ひかり(たんじゅん農)(令和5年産)
Rice: Noto Hikari (Tanjun-no) produced in Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture (2023), Special sponsored by Mr.Koike from Koike Seimai-Ten (Harajuku)
【塩】能登産 珠洲の塩
Salt: Salt from Suzu, Noto
We hope that many of you will come to the event and help support the local people affected by the disaster. Arigato!!!