このnoteについて/About this note

This page is published in Japanese and English.
The English translation is at the bottom.









  1. 自分が今の仕事で培った知見と実践経験が、皆さまにとって希望を見出すことができると信じていること

  2. 自分自身の思考の整理と内省にもなること

  3. 日本語と英語で書けば、英語にも慣れていけると思ったこと





  • 発信内容の詳細や質問はコメント欄へ、個別の相談はDMください。

  • 所属する組織、コミュニティの声を代表するものでなく、あくまで個人の意見です。

  • 見ている全員に、100%齟齬なく正確に全てを伝えるのは難しいと思っているので、内容によってはある程度、意図して抽象的にする予定。

  • 自自分自身は死ぬまで進化し続ける予定です。なので、発信内容も少しずつ進化する可能性があります。その場合はなるべく関連ページを更新するつもりです。

  • 以上より、より深い細かい内容は、限定公開や直接お話しすることでお伝えしようと思っています。


The reason I call myself AGILE SAMURAI is because I first encountered agile through the book "AGILE SAMURAI" and I am trained in Katori Shinto-ryu Heiho, the oldest surviving samurai martial art, so I introduce myself by the nickname "GHENSAN" in various communities and study groups.

I believe that by applying Agile and coaching, society, companies, and individuals can achieve their truly desired goals, and I support your ongoing self-growth and evolution using "organizational agile, Toyota Production System, organizational development, organizational coaching, behavioral psychology, and behavioral analytics."

I look forward to meeting you for the first time.

About this page

On this page,
based on the main theme of
"What should organizations, teams and individuals do to achieve the ultimate goal of business activities?",
I introduce various topics such as
"optimization of the entire organization and partial optimization, and the growth of manufacturing methods and the mental aspects of the people who work there",
"Agile and creating an organization where people work together as a means to achieve this", and
"Good for the person, good for the company, good for society - a triple win",
while also incorporating insights gained from training in Go, Shogi, Zen and swordsmanship.

Why I am writing this note

  1. I believe that the knowledge and practical experience I have gained in my current job can bring hope to everyone.

  2. It also helps me organize my own thoughts and reflect on myself.

  3. I thought that writing in both Japanese and English would help me get used to English.

I wrote this note for these three reasons.

In today's world, information flows at a fast pace, values ​​are diverse and changing, and technology is evolving at a rapid pace.
As a result, society, companies, and individuals have complex and intertwined worries and issues, making it difficult to find solutions, and even if they are found, they quickly become outdated.
However, I believe that the knowledge and practical experience I have gained in my current job can bring hope to everyone.
So, through this note, I would be happy if it could bring hope to society, companies, and individuals who are working in the midst of complex and intertwined worries and issues.
Furthermore, if I can gain your trust, I would be happy if it leads to job requests. You will be able to work with passion and responsibility to help everyone achieve their true goals.


If you have any questions or details about the content of the message, please leave them in the comments section, or if you have any individual inquiries, please DM me.

These are merely personal opinions and do not represent the voices of the organizations or communities I belong to.

I plan to continue evolving until I die. So, the content of the message may evolve little by little.
In that case, I intend to update the relevant pages as much as possible. If that happens, it will be a hassle to have to update all the content that has already been sent out, and if there are any omissions, the content will feel strange and less reliable. Above all, I think it is difficult to convey everything 100% accurately and without discrepancies to everyone who watches, so I plan to intentionally make some of the content abstract to a certain extent. So, I plan to convey deeper details by making it limited public or talking to you directly.

