
#133 最近のポッドキャストの反省と振り返り


オーストラリア ブリスベン在住のHarukaです。




Spotify / ウェブ派のあなたはこちら






Hello everyone, welcome to today’s episode of my podcast! This podcast is about my daily life in Brisbane, Australia as a native Japanese-speaking learner of English.  This podcast is bilingual, using both English and Japanese.
皆様こんにちは  今日も聞いてくださってありがとうございます。この Podcast はオーストラリア ブリスベンに住んでいる私が「ねぇ聞いて。こんなことがあったの」という出来事を英語 日本語の両方使って話す Voice logをお届けする ポッドキャストです。

As I am still learning English which is my second language, so please excuse my errors and feel free to correct my English or be kind to my English with errors. I hope my English is understandable to all of you!
まだまだ英語は勉強中なので お聞き苦しいところなどもあるかと思いますが、コメントなどでこうしたらいいよ など教えていただけたら嬉しいです。 頑張って 分かりやすい英語が話せるようにしたいと思います。

Okay, in today's episode, I would like to reflect on my recent podcast episodes.

I have not done reflection for a while, it would be good for me to look back on my episodes to improve.

The things that come to my mind first will be the topic. I am wondering if my topics have been too edgy. And my opinion sounded too arrogant. Although I introduce my podcast is talking about my daily life, sort of normal things in my life, I tend to have chosen English learning or English pronunciation topics.


I think it might be okay for me to hold these thoughts, however, I do not need to speak in public with a strong passion. After I listened to several episodes related to the topic, I realised my podcast sounded too arrogant and felt like I was blamed from the early morning as I uploaded this podcast at 8 a.m. three days a week in Brisbane time.


I used to upload the episodes something fun and not harsh at all. Actually, the episodes are quite comfortable to listen to. So something not too strong would be good or I need to consider word choices and tone more carefully as I have a tendency to communicate directly, which causes misunderstanding.


So, I will talk about my normal daily life, not fancy things in general but something I want to share with you all. If I would like to talk about something passionate, first of all, I need to practise choosing topics and word choices that will be public.


And, my next topic is my speech rate. I have made my speech rate slower than before. This is because I realised that my English is not clear enough as when I speak in a rush I do not pronounce the consonant sounds properly.
In order to make it clear, I changed my speech rate and tried to focus on clarity.

次は、話すスピードですね。 最近、ゆっくり話すようになりました。これは、ちょっと早く話そうとして、英語がクリアに聞こえないなぁと思ったからです。特に子音の音が弱いなぁと思いました。 そんなわけで、ちょっとスピードを遅くして、クリアに聞こえるようにすることを重点に置くようにしてます。

After I listened to the several recorded episodes, I felt better as I could catch all the words that I talked about in the episodes. Of course, I need to keep improving my pronunciation for each sound. Hope my English will improve in around 300 episodes.


Ah, in terms of pronunciation, I started uploading this podcast on YouTube with captions in both English and Japanese.
This is also for the improvement of my pronunciation.
I usually use an auto-caption function to create it, which means if I do not speak clearly enough, the caption is not created as expected.
After speaking carefully, almost 95% of my English is recognised as I speak. So it is good to know what sounds I need to improve objectively.  I will try to check my weaknesses as much as I can and would like to reduce my weaknesses.


Anyway, the two main points are what I need to improve or consider to get this podcast better.  Of course, there are a lot of things I need to improve but so far, I will focus on the two things as much as I can.
Reflection is sometimes good as I can see myself from other perspectives and that encourages me to improve.

まぁそんなわけで、 このpodcastを良くしていくための振り返りをざっくり2つの大きなポイントに分けてお話をしてみました。 もちろん、改善点はもっとたくさんあるんですが、とりあえずこの2つを重点に今後のエピソードを頑張ってきたいなと思います。

If you have some ideas on what I can improve, please let me know. I would love to hear the feedback from you although I would like to hear some mild feedback though as I am not good at receiving strict feedback suddenly. haha.


That's all for today! Thank you for listening to this episode, and I hope you enjoy today's episode. Okay, so  Have a fantastic day everyone, and I will see you in the next episode. Bye!
今日も 最後まで聞いて下さってありがとうございました。どなたかのご参考になるか、このエピソードを楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです。

