
#70 4月の読書記録をつけてみて思ったこと



  • オーストラリア ブリスベン在住

  • ポッドキャストを配信しています

    • ポッドキャストの内容

      • オーストラリアの日々で起こる「ねぇ聞いてこんなことがあったの」という出来事を英語で話すVlog (Voice log) お届けしています

      • 英語・日本語交互に話しています


Apple 派の方はこちら

Spotify / web はこちら





Hello everyone, welcome back to the voiced daily journaling podcast. This podcast is about my daily life in Brisbane, Australia as a native Japanese speaking learner of English.  This podcast is bilingual, using both English and Japanese.

皆様こんにちは  今日も聞いてくださってありがとうございます。この Podcast はオーストラリア ブリスベンに住んでいる私が「ねぇ聞いて。こんなことがあったの」という出来事を英語 日本語の両方使って話す Voice logをお届けする ポッドキャストです。

As I am still learning English which is my second language, so please excuse my errors and feel free to correct my English or be kind to my English with errors. I hope my English is understandable to you all!

まだまだ英語は勉強中なので まだね 色々 英語の間違いなどあると思いますが そんな時はぜひぜひ コメントなどでこうしたらいいよ など教えていただけたら嬉しいです。 頑張って分かりやすい英語を話せるようにしたいと思います。

Today, I wanted to share some thoughts that I had after sharing my book reading record on Instagram.

今日はですね、最近ですね インスタグラムで読書記録を載せてるんですけど それを載せてから気づいたことについてお話をしたいと思います

In the beginning of last month, I had a video call with my friend, and she asked me how many books I usually read. As we share information about new books we are currently reading or book reviews, according to her, I am kind of a bookworm and read a lot of books. Actually, I read anything from comic books, Japanese books, novels, self-help books, life hack books, essays, memoirs, and also picture books.

先月の頭に友達とちょっとビデオコールしてて 「最近何冊本読んでるんですか」と聞かれたんですよ。私たちはよく「最近こんな本読んでさ」とか 「この本 面白かったよ」 みたいな話をしてるんですけど彼女によると私は結構めっちゃ本読んでるタイプの人らしいです。結構 ジャンルを限らず いろんな本を読みます 漫画 日本語の本、小説、自己啓発本、時短とかについて書いてる本、自伝とかあと 絵本も読みますね

At the time, I couldn’t answer the number of books I read in a month, so I decided to keep a record of the phrases from the books on Instagram. Most of them were picture books, however, it turned out to be 27 books in a month. I was actually quite surprised by the number, as I did not expect to have read so much. Of course, if I only count the novels, it is just 10 books, but the number is not bad for me.


Also, by posting on Instagram, I review the book again to choose good phrases. Although I keep highlighting some good phrases while I am reading a book, I tend to not review it. So it is an unexpected benefit as the books keep in my mind compared with not reviewing it.


It is my personal story, but I was struggling to find what to post on Instagram, as I am not good at creating videos or life hack-ish posts like a presentation. This challenge was actually really good for me to look back at what I read, and also if I have an opportunity to recommend a book to my friends, these posts are really good tools to share.


So, to summarize today’s episode, I talked about my reflection on posting my reading records on Instagram. The things I realized are: 1) I was surprised by the number of books I read, 2) it was really good to review the book instead of merely inputting, and 3) creating a post can be a good source to share my recommendation with my friends.


Alright, that’s it for today’s episode. I hope you all enjoyed listening to this episode, and it would be great if I could give you some tips or notions to your life in some way. Anyway, thank you very much for everyone who listened to this podcast. Hope you have a great day! I will see you all in the next episode. Bye!


