
Interview With The Autisum Artist

March 28th.
Cherry blossoms blooming around the park.

I’m waiting my friend. He is paint artist and working at factory.

I came to here for the interview about ASD(autism spectrum disorder)

Reito has an autism when he was 2years old.

He showed me how to draw his unique illustrate.


Q1. When was the first time to draw or paint picture?

Reito “ The first time I draw picture was a kindergartner .

Q2. I heard you are working as a full time employee. And you are the artist.
How to try to 2 things in your life plan?

Reito “You know, I ’m working at famous company’s factory. Recently, I moved the Air conditioner department to parts MFG. Sound like busy, but I have enough time to draw pics.”


Q3” Who is your favorite artist?”

Reito “ British illustrator “ Joe Whale” . He is just 10 years olds and he is the problem child. However, his talent become famous in Instagram, Joe got the chance to share his works in the world. This boy’ paint is very simple and unique. I influenced by his art.

Q4 “ What is your tools for making art? Please tell me about details.”

Reito”I like to paint analog and Digital .In my personal opinion, I prefer to use analog style. My tools is color pencil, paints, and crepes.”


Q5. I saw your pics on Instagram. You looks you particular about your art. So I’d like to know about your main focus point in your great works.

Reito” Sometime I feel like “It’s not awesome, I have to change something else!!” If my works dose not prefer to show, I break my painted papers. Then I refresh to my art time.”

Q 6 “Do you have other hobbies?

Reito” YES!! I love traveling. I went to south Korea and Republic of Singapura.
I really interested about Korean towns! It is same view in Korean drama
In Netflix! About Singapore, I tried to ride the roller coaster. Compare with Japanese one or Singapore’s, it was more thrilling! No, The most thrilling!! After that, I went to the hotel . It called “little India” Coz’ there are hometown for Indian Singaporean. I never felt strange feeling like living India people in Singapore.

Reito has autism . His unique painting style are come from his life experience.
Research of Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare(Japan), about one out of a hundred Japanese people has ASD or other development disability. ASD is one of biggest problem in Japanese society.

Q7.”When did you realized your development disability?”

Reito “ In my memory, it was… probably 2 years old. I was sick at that time because I was poor health. After finished the care, Doctor told my parents. He said “your boy has an autism.”

Q8” sometime feel the highly stress in our life. Especially, ASD people has more stress than typical development. When you think uncomfortable in your life ?”

Reito: “ I had not eaten so much foods. When I was elementary school student, I could not have lunch, but it was changed kittle by little. Now I can eat many things.On the other hand, I really like the dainty. For example, dragon fruit and Ankimo( monkfish liver).

He told the story about his high school episode.

Reito” I was angry boy at the high school. Sometime I remember the trauma and flash back these worst memories. I could not handle out about my mental. Therefore I always study at infirmary. It was the hardest time in my life… but I graduate the school and get the good job in factory.”


Q9 “ Recently, development disability people increased due to medical evolution. How do you feel about that?”

Reito:” I know about this problem in Japan very well. Of course, some people can’t imagine the life with ASD or ADHD. I hope Japanese society and culture will change to live comfortable every people.”


Q10 “ Final question, Please give the advice for Disability people and grey zone person.

Reito:” I have two advices for you.First, happiness is not come for you, you have to find them in your life. And realizing you are happy.
You are not illness, you not have a big seriously injured. If you become sick, you might think “I was happy before I got sick.”
It similar to this situation like that. There are so many happiness around you. Just you haven’t realize that.
Second advice, Always try the best. Many people attacked by unreasonable problem or unfair situation. If you have good score in your school, it is not useful in your making career or business. I know the these people who retire jobs due to their problem.
Anyway, you have to know WHO YOU ARE, WHAT SHOULD I DO? , WHAT IS YOUR BEST. This is the good rule to live best life.

~Message from Reito~

Thank you for reading. I’d like you to come my Instagram account (@ reito2mixjuice)
I hope you might enjoy my arts!! “


I’m proud to interview with Reito and say Thank you!!


