
Continuing English Education

Recently in the Japanese news, a lot of attention is being given to “re-skilling,” which the Cambridge Dictionary defines as “the process of learning new skills so you can do a different job” or simply “training people to do a different job.” The basic idea seems to be that the government or businesses need to help workers gain new skills to replace outdated skills. This is important for people who currently have jobs that will be replaced by technology and for people who currently don’t have any job at all.

In a similar fashion, learners of English cannot give up their studies when they leave high school or college. Particularly with a difficult language like English, Japanese learners need to continue their education over the long term. It is, in a sense, a “lifetime job.”

One option for continuing English language study is to participate in “adult learning” classes such as those offered by the Waseda University Extension Center. Among the many classes offered are two taught by James Vardaman, a retired professor from Waseda’s School of Humanities and Sciences. These classes combine reading newspaper articles, pronunciation checks, vocabulary building, and learning about current topics, followed by general discussion of the issues. They are a good way to build English skills and grasp cultural knowledge, too.

The courses listed at the end of this article are online, which is convenient for working people and those who are located far from the campus. The first one is during the day, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Thursdays, and it focuses on understanding events and issues in American society in the news. The second is at night, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thursdays, and it deals with Japanese society and culture in recent news.

Both of these classes are geared to adults who are interested in continuing English study combined with exchanging ideas with the professor and fellow participants. Feel free to check the links included below.

(326 words)

早稲田大学エクステンションセンター 2023年春期オンライン講座のご案内

① 英語で読み解き語る現在のアメリカ社会
・日程:4/6-6/15 (木曜日) 全10回
・講座情報 URL: https://www.wuext.waseda.jp/course/detail/58512/

② 英語ニュースで読み語る現在の日本社会と文化
・日程:4/6-6/15 (木曜日) 全10回
・講座情報 URL:https://www.wuext.waseda.jp/course/detail/58513/


