Council Tax
English follows
ぎりぎりロンドンの辺境のくせに…とぼやいていたら、「ウエストミンスター区はカウンシルタックスが飛び抜けて安いんだよ。税収が多いから。」と教えてくれた友達がいました。「自分も隣のカムデン区に住み始めてからそれに気がついて "しまった!" って思ったよ。道路の清掃車の巡回頻度も違うしね。」とのこと。
Since my new house is cozy, I started to feel like it's no longer appropriate to call my London life as 'wilde' for it's harshness, but it was until when I found the Council Tax here in Richmond higher.
I expected my council tax to be lower by moving to a countryside. How naive I was. It was the opposite purely due to the local element.
When I complained, my friend said, "Yeah, Westminster's tax is outstandingly low among London boroughs. It's because they have a high tax income. I also found it after I settled in Camden."
Indeed, Westminster covers iconic landmarks such as Hide Park, Regent's Park, Buckingham Palace, and the West End, making it a significant tourist destination.
Damn it, I never noticed it while I was privileged to!
Despite feeling a bit betrayed, I re-evaluated the situation and admit that Richmond is known as a high maintenance area with a comfortable lifestyle - without the huge income from tourists as Westminster.
Here the tax burden is part of the package for living in a clean and safe area.
So, it's opposite of the "wild" after all…