Service for Harvest
また、英国国教会系の学校なので、「学校のお祈り」や「学校の聖歌」もあります。朝のCollective Worship(集団礼拝)では地元の教会の神父さんがきてお話をしてくれることもあるようです。
10月の頭の今日、Year6の子供達が地域の教会で「Service for Harvest(収穫礼拝)」をするのに親も参加して良いと言われ、前を通る時にいつも気になっていた、町の教会に足を運んでみました。木彫りの椅子の手すりにリスや小鳥があしらわれた小さくて暖かい雰囲気の教会でした。
まず先生を「バナナの神様」にしたてて、みんなで「Thank you」を言った後、バナナが実ってからみんなの手元に届くまでには何が起きている?ということを子供たちに問いかけ、「農園で収穫する人」「南からイギリスまで運ぶ人」「パックする人」「お店に並べる人」「ミックスジュースにする人」・・・など、役割ごとにそれに見立てた生徒や親の列を起立させ(私も、Sea People の役目をしました)、最終的に全員が立って、「ほら、一本のバナナを食べるというだけでも実にたくさんの人が関わっているでしょう。その全員に感謝しましょう」とお話をしめくくられました。
"London"'s geological definition was expanded to Greater London (including Outer London) from Central London about 60 years ago.
When you look at a map, it's like a fried egg. It has passed a month since I moved into Teddington, a small town at the southwest edge of Outer London.
They often say, "London is different from the UK." I still live in a part of London, but I found this place quite different from the previous one. Almost everyone you met in Central, whether residents or tourists, was from a foreign country (including me!).
About 90% of my child's primary school pupils are of European descent. This is an entirely different atmosphere from our previous school, where most of the pupils were from a variety of ethnicities.
Even with fair skin and blond hair, some may be immigrants from other European countries, so it's hard to say how many are native British. Anyway, I don't think there's any racial discrimination at all in this area.
Church of England schools have "School Prayers" and "Collective Worship".
It's already October. Year 6 children attended the "Service for Harvest" at the local church, and parents were welcome to join. I had always been curious about it as I passed by the church, so I finally got a chance to visit there. I liked their wooden chairs carved with squirrels and birds.
It was lovely to listen to children sing and read poems. The pastor talked about what it meant to be thankful for the harvest. I found him to be a very good presenter.
First, he named one of the teachers as "Banana god" and let a boy say "Thank you" to her.
Then, he asked the children what happens from the time a banana grows until it reaches our hands. He had students and parents stand up to represent each role, such as "people who harvest on the farm," "people who transport bananas from the south to the UK by ship," "people who pack them," "people who put them on store shelves" and "people who make them into smoothies for you." (I played the role of "Sea People" there!)
Ultimately, everyone stood up and received a "Thank you". Even one banana involves so many people. It was fun.
Besides, now that I've settled in here for a month, it feels so far to go to Central London, and I haven't gone out to play even once. Central London is indeed an attractive place, but my quality of life has significantly improved with more space and quiet neighbours. I highly recommend Teddington as a place for families to settle.