a fig-scented dream
English follows
それで思い出したのが、自分が20代後半から30代にかけて愛用していた「Premier Figuier Extrême」という香水。日本語名は「究極の青いイチジク」だったかな。L'Artisanというフランスのパフューマーのもので、日本市場からは撤退してしまったけど、欧州に旅行に来ることがあったら試してみて。
I opened the front door this morning and found my garden path covered in dewy, fallen leaves after last night's rain. Then a thought struck me: "The figs smell so strong today."
We have five fig trees in our garden, all laden with unripe green fruit. But they don't usually smell this fragrant. Perhaps this is because I harvested some of the larger ones yesterday, planning to make jam. Maybe the essential oils seeping from the cut ends are carried on the damp air, filling the garden. That scent has clung to me ever since, from dropping my child off at school to returning home. It's sweet, fresh, gentle, and faintly fragrant. Wrapped in the spellbinding scent, I wonder, "This is what happiness smells like".
In my late 20s and early 30s, I wore a perfume called "Premier Figuier Extrême" by L'Artisan, a French perfumer.
I realised the fragrance was a pretty faithful representation of a fig, but it could be too strong for me now. Since having my first pregnancy, I've become more sensitive to smells, though not to the point of having a fragrance allergy. Back then, working full-time, I had trouble commuting by the subway because of certain scents. Even the "Premier Figuier Extrême" that I had loved so much turned too overwhelming to wear all day. For over a decade now, I've been using unscented shampoo and soap.
To tell you the truth, it's not just perfumes that bother me. For example, I can't stand the smell of leftover half-cooked egg yolk. Even if there's just a tiny bit of residue on the plate that I can't see, I can't bear the way the room gradually fills with that smell.
I'm usually casual, but when I encounter the smell, I can't stop cleaning the dining table thoroughly to beat the source and change the air. The other day, it happened when a friend came over. I frantically tried to eliminate the smell and surprised my friends and family. I was also surprised that they didn't feel it at all, even though it smelled terrible to me!
Going back to my childhood memories, my grandfather, an old dentist, had a particular skill in diagnosing his patients' illnesses just by smell. He was incredibly sensitive to odours. Perhaps I inherited that trait.
So, I believe this fig scent is real and not just a figment of my imagination. And I'm glad this is the one enjoyable.
I wonder if anyone else can relate?