
Birthday Wish

〈English follows〉














My girl turned seven years old. We already celebrated it by having a big picnic party with her friends in Hyde Park on a sunny Sunday. But on her birthday, we had a family dinner with her favourite menu (omelettes and croquettes) and a birthday cake.

I explained that it was a chance to make a wish by blowing out the candle flame. She thought for a moment and then did so.

Then she went like: "Guess what I wished for, mum?"


"I wished to see Rishi Sunak."

As you know, Rishi Sunak is an Indian-origin billionaire who became the 79th Prime Minister of the UK at the age of 42. Yes, a handsome man.

Because her Japanese isn't perfect, I was astonished to misunderstand it as "I want to become Rishi Sunak (=Prime Minister of the UK!)". Oh, that is an audacious wish! But it was "to see" him. Well, that still is quite an ambition!

I wondered where we could possibly meet him. I asked my husband about my doubts, and he just said, "No idea." Well, I guess so.

Her 10-year-old brother added, "But there will be Parliament elections soon, and Rishi Sunak may not be Prime Minister for long." Yes, I was surprised again that my boy knew the political terminology and the complex world of grown-ups already.

When it comes to seeing someone, planning to see the Royal Family might be easier since they have official events, for instance, this week, the Japanese community in the UK is buzzing with excitement over the visit of our Majesties.

People who could make it went to see the parade and said that it was splendid! I heard that the majesties of England and Japan were getting along very well. We all are pleased to see our country's symbols being treated so warmly.

But as for Rishi Sunak... How come my girl found him interesting to see? Did she learn about him in school?!

Since it is her birthday wish, I want to find a way to make her dream come true. However, after some quick research, I found that children under 11 are not allowed to attend the main sessions and committees of the UK Parliament.

Now, what should I do?
What would you do if your child asked you?
