サントリー 対 東芝 レビュー (ジャパンラグビーリーグワン 2023-2024)

ジャパンラグビーリーグワン 2023-2024
ディビジョン1 第2節 カンファレンスA
サントリー 19 - 26 東芝

接点での激しい攻防が見られた試合だった。東芝が接点の攻防をやや優勢に進め、試合を通してリードを守っていた。サントリーはPGを重ね7点差まで迫ったが、 トライを奪うのは難しかったたように見えた。この試合ではサントリーと東芝で接点でのタックルの使い分けに違いが見られた。また、接点での攻防やパントの飛距離等が影響し、セットプレーから前進した回数、 相手陣にボールを持ち込んだ回数、において少し差が見られた。


サントリーはゾーンに拘わらずチョップタックルが多かった。 チョップタックルで相手をしっかり倒してBDに移行できていた。また、オフロードパスを繋がれる機会はそこまで多くなかった。チョップタックルを継続するのは相手を確実に倒すことで接点で押し込まれすぎないメリットがあると思う。ただし、チョークタックルで相手を抱えようとしても、相手がタックラーを引き剥がして倒されていた。



表1 セットプレーから前進した回数



表2 相手陣にボールを持ち込んだ回数


Suntory vs Toshiba Review (Japan Rugby League One 2023-2024)

Japan Rugby League One 2023-2024
Division 1, Section 2, Conference A
Suntory 19 - 26 Toshiba

Intense fights at tackles were seen in the game. Toshiba players seemed to have a superiority of fights on tackles, and had lead through the game. Although Suntory players scored several PGs which reached 7 point difference, it seemed that they were difficult to score Try. In this game, it was seen Suntory and Toshiba separated using tackles. Then, differences were seen among “times to move forward from set pieces” and “times to bring a ball to attacking or finish zone” because of intensity of fighting on tackles and flying distance of punts, and so on.

Separation of Using Tackles

Suntory players mainly used chop tackles in spite of zones. They laid opponent ball carriers down and switched to BDs. Also, they often prevented opponent from having offload passes. Using chop tackles seems to have a merit to prevent from being pushed at tackles by laying opponent down. However, they were laid down by opponents when they attempted to hold opponent ball carriers by using choke tackles.
  Toshiba players also used chop tackles in attacking and finish zones, but they often used choke tackles in front of dangerous zone. When they used choke tackles, tacklers and assist tacklers hold opponent ball carriers so that they pushed forward and made opponent using time to recycle BDs. Using choke tackles seems to have a merit which tacklers could put pressures on opponent ball carriers.

Times to Move Forward from Set Pieces

Table 1 compared whether moving forward from set pieces or not between 2 teams. Starting point of a set piece and ending point of a play were compared visually, and classified as “moving forward more than 10m”, “moving forward up to 10m”, and “not moving forward”. (If there was PK at an end of a play, the point after touch kick from PK was used.)
 When ratio (%) is compared, there was no difference of “moving forward more than 10m”. Toshiba has higher “Moving forward up to 10m”, and Suntory has higher “not moving forward”. When 2 teams are compared, Toshiba moved forward more from set pieces than Suntory did.

Table 1. Times to move forward from set pieces

Times to Bring a Ball to Attacking or Finish Zone

Table 2 compared times to bring a ball to attacking or finish zone in play between 2 teams. Marked a time when a team kept attacking in those zone or a team went across a zone by attacking. (Ex; Marked both attacking and finish zones when a team started attack from scrum at kicking zone and entered finish zone during that attacking time.) When those times are compared between 2 teams, Suntory brought more times to attacking zone. But, there was no difference to bring finish zone between the teams. When taking into consideration of bringing a ball to attacking zone, Suntory seems to have less chance to bring a ball to finish zone.

Table 2. Times to bring a ball to attacking or finish zone
