ホンダ 対 クボタ レビュー (ジャパンラグビーリーグワン 2023-2024)

ジャパンラグビーリーグワン 2023-2024
ディビジョン1 第2節 カンファレンスA
ホンダ 0 - 75 クボタ

 クボタはアタックでは3人でBDをリサイクルしていた。 BDのリサイクルスピードが早くゲインを切ることも多かった。 ディフェンスでは2人以内で対応し、 ゲインを切られることは少なかった。相手がフェーズを重ねてアタックしてもオーバーラップを生じさせていなかった。


 ディフェンスでは 3人がBDに入ることがあった。 3人が入るのはデンジャラスゾーンかフィニッシュゾーンでのBDで、 ディフェンスラインの人数が揃っている時だった。3人入るのがデンジャラスゾーンとフィニッシュゾーンを中心にしていたのは、デンジャラスゾーンでは後ろにスペースがないため次フェーズにオーバーラップが起こりにくいこと、フィニッシュゾーンではオーバーラップが生まれたとしてもトライまで持っていかれる事はあまりない(アタック側はデンジャラスゾーンからパントすることが多い)、と考えたのが理由だと思う。また、キッキングゾーンでのBDでも3人入ることがあったが、その時は直前のBDよりも前に出ている状況の時であった。ただし、BDに3人入ったとしても相手のリサイクルスピードを有意に遅らせているわけではなかった。


クボタはキッキングゾーンからのアタックでは一次フェーズでエッジから反対のエッジへボールを運ぶシーンが見られた。これは、相手が後ろのスペースをケアするためにバックラインを2人かそれ以上で構成することを突いたのだと思われる。 相手は「50:22」もケアする必要がありバックラインの人数を増やすため、フロントラインでオーバーラップが生じやすい。敵陣(アタッキングゾーンとフィニッシュゾーン)で上記のアタックがあまり見られなかったのは、後ろのスペースが狭いのと「50:22」をケアする必要がなく、バックラインを最小限の人数で構成できることが理由だと思われる。


Honda vs Kubota Review (Japan Rugby League One 2023-2024)

Japan Rugby League One 2023-2024
Division 1, Section 2, Conference A
Honda 0 - 75 Kubota

It was a game which 1st team in last season played against a team promoted to Division 1 this season, and point difference was big. In this game, intensity of breakdowns (BD) was different. Kubota players consisted BDs of only a few players in both attacks and defenses, so that they could have enough players to participate in next phase. On the other hand, Honda players had beed pressured by Kubota when they consisted BDs of a few players, and effects were limited to intensity of them when they consisted those of more players.
   Kubota players recycled BDs with 3 players in attacks, and they recycled quickly with penetrating gain-lines. They participated BDs within 2 players and were rarely penetrated gain-lines in defenses. Even when opponent kept attacking many phases, they had not been overlapped.

Breakdowns of Honda

Honda players aimed to put pressures by participating more players to BDs both in attacks and defenses.
   In attacks, they sometimes recycled BDs with 4 players, which kept their ball to attack. 4th player to participate BDs came from former BD or another near/far pod, which made Honda running more. However, even when they recycled BDs with 4 players, they could not penetrated gain-lines and recycle so quickly much.
   In defenses, sometimes 3 players participated to BDs. When they had enough players in defense lines, sometimes 3 players participated if they were in dangerous or finish zone. When they were in dangerous zone, they didn’t have enough space behind defense lines and a chance to be overlapped in next defending phase. When they were in finish zone, they tended to prevent from being Tried even if they were overlapped (attacking side tends to have punts from dangerous zone). Those seemed to reasons to participate 3 players to BDs in dangerous and finish zones. Also, 3 players participated to BDs in kicking zone, when they overtook a point of former BD. However, even if 3 players participated to BDs, they could not slow down opponent recycling speed.

Attacks of Kubota in Kicking Zone

Kubota players tended to bring their ball from an edge to another edge in 1st attacking phase from kicking zone. This is because opponent consists back lines of 2 or more players to care space behind defense lines. Opponent also should care [50:22] punts by more back line players, which tends to lead overlaps. In attacking and finish zone, they seldomly showed attacks above. This is because opponent could consist back lines of less players since they didn’t have enough space behind defense lines and didn’t have to care [50:22] punts in those zones.
