NTT com 対 リコー レビュー (ジャパンラグビーリーグワン 2022)
NTT com 42 - 12 リコー
前半の早い時間帯に退場者が出たことで、リコーにとって厳しい試合となった。14人になったこともあってか、リコーはボール保持を優先しアタックを継続していた。ブレイクダウンのリサイクルスピードを落とさずにアタックしていたが、なかなか相手のディフェンスを突破できなかった。それに対して、NTT comは数的優位を活かして相手ディフェンスを突破していた。ディフェンスでも少し余裕があったように見えた。
NTT comのアタックについて
[NTT com]
NTT com vs Ricoh (Review)
Japan Rugby League One
Division 1 (Interleague game), Section 11
NTT com 42 - 12 Ricoh
It was hard game for Ricoh to fight because one player was ejected at early stage of game. Ricoh players had priority to keep their ball and kept attacking since they should have fought with 14 members. They hardly penetrated opponent defense even though they did not slow down recycling speed of breakdowns. On the other hand, NTT com players penetrated opponent defense by utilizing overlap. They also seemed to have spare in defense.
Attacks of NTT com
Basically, they recycled breakdowns with 3 players, and used attack options depending on zones.
[Dangerous/Kicking zone]
Had punts from SH many times.
→By 30 minutes of 1st half, he used high punts to reacquire a ball or to recover zone
→After 35 minutes of 1st half, he used touch kicks to recover zone
[Attacking zone]
Kept attacking without having punt. There was characteristic play from line-outs as below.
→Had contact at midfield in 1st attacking phase, and brought a ball to open-side edge to penetrate in 2nd attacking phase
(This play was seen in last section too.)
[Finish zone]
Put pressures by consecutive 9-shapes.
Attacks of Ricoh
Basically, they recycled breakdowns with 3 players even after ejection. They sometimes recycled breakdowns with 2 players by which SH arrived breakdowns fast and took a ball out quickly when support players arrived late. They could keep attacking even from dangerous/kicking zone by means of increasing running distance of FW, and participating breakdowns more by BK.
[Characteristic attacks in this section]
-Tended to have following play from an edge.
→Attacked 9-shape, then 1st CTB received swivel pass from 10-shape, and passed a ball to outer side (another edge) to penetrate
-Used consecutive 9-shapes in finish zone.
Defense of each team
Both teams made recycling breakdowns with fewer players, so that most breakdowns were participated within 2 players. More than 2 players participated breakdowns only if they had a chance to turnover.
[NTT com]
They used rush up-defense against opponent 1st attacking phase from set pieces, and often used slide-defense from 2nd phase. They sometimes used rush up-defense when opponent attacked from an edge even if it was after 1st phase.
After 20 minutes of 2nd half, they used slide-defense against 1st phase from set pieces with their priority not to be broken DF lines.
They used rush up-defense against opponent 1st attacking phase from set pieces, and used slide-defense from 2nd phase. They were easily overlapped since they fought with 14 members more than 65 minutes.