キヤノン 対 NTT docomo レビュー (ジャパンラグビーリーグワン 2022)


キヤノン 49 - 24 NTT docomo

キヤノンがアタッキングゾーンでアタックを継続する時間が長く、NTT docomoがディフェンスで粘るという試合展開であった。試合終了時には点差が開いたが、試合中盤まではNTT docomoがなんとか喰らいついていた。キヤノンは前半のフィニッシュゾーンでのマイボールラインアウトのキープ率が低く、得点する機会を失っていた。一方、NTT docomoもアタッキングゾーンまで攻め込んでも反則等でボールをロストしており、なかなかフィニッシュゾーンまで攻め込むことが出来なかった。




[NTT docomo]
NTT docomoは前節まではスライドディフェンスが中心だったのに対して、今節ではラッシュアップディフェンスをする場面が増えていた。特に、相手がボールを運びそうなエリア(例えば9-shapeや10-shape周辺)に絞ってラッシュアップし、相手を前で止めるシーンが見られた。また、(エッジから反対エッジに運ぶ等で)相手が広く展開してきた時は、スライドディフェンスで粘り強く止めていた。この試合では、ディフェンスのハッスルラインが内側のスペースを埋めることでラインブレイクを阻止するシーンも見られた。





Cannon vs NTT docomo (Review)

Japan Rugby League One
Division 1 (Interleague game), Section 9

Cannon 49 - 24 NTT docomo

In this game, Cannon spent much time in attacking zone by keeping attacks, and NTT docomo endured in defense. Even though point difference was big at the end of game, NTT docomo barely withstood until middle stage of the game. Cannon players lost their chance to score in 1st half because they could not keep their ball at line-outs in finish zone. Besides, NTT docomo players rarely stayed in finish zone because they lost their ball by fouls even if they stayed in attacking zone.

Defense of each team

Both teams selected defense systems depending on situations such as place in the field and players number to participate defense in its phase

Although Cannon players mostly used rush up-defense in last sections, they increased to use slide-defense in this section. Pressures around breakdowns seemed to be weak compared to last sections. In spite of those conditions, they stopped opponent attacks in front, and induced opponent fouls.

[NTT docomo]
Although NTT docomo players mostly used slide-defense in last sections, they increased to use rush up-defense in this section. They stopped opponent attacks in front by focusing on area to rush up where opponent tended to bring a ball (such as around 9-shapes and 10-shapes). Also, when opponent attacked far side from breakdowns (like bringing a ball from one edge to the other), they stopped opponent attacks withstanding by slide-defense. In this game, they prevented being broken defense lines by which hustle lines in defense filled an inside space of a ball carrier.

Attacks of each team

-Prepared attacks against opponent slide-defense, and broke opponent defense lines
   →Passed behind a decoy runner (who pretended to cut-in) to a receiver who run from inside to outside
   →Returned a ball from a ball carrier to a runner from inside
-Used quick restart from Penalty/Free kicks, but lost their ball by being turned over

[NTT docomo]
-Scored Tries from a few chances even though seldom stayed in finish zone
   →2 Tries from line-outs in finish zone
   →1 Try from a punt to an edge as a pass after turnover in attacking zone and keeping attacks several phases
