NTT com 対 静岡 レビュー (ジャパンラグビーリーグワン 2022)
NTT com 10 - 27 静岡
[NTT com]
NTT comはブレイクダウンのリサイクルに時間をかけており、相手がポジショニングをセットしてから次フェーズのアタックに入っていた。そのため、ボールキャリアが相手のプレッシャーを受けることになっていた。また、4人以上でブレイクダウンをリサイクルすることもあり、アタックを継続しても数的有利な状況は生まれていなかった。
NTT com vs Shizuoka (Review)
Japan Rugby League One
Division 1 (Interleague game), Section 9
NTT com 10 - 27 Shizuoka
Although attack and defense on contact points and area possession seemed to be evenly between 2 teams, point difference came to big at the end of game. In spite of intense fights on contact points by defending team, attacking team kept their attacks without being turned over. Also, both teams got penalty kicks from their ball scrums by putting pressures on them, so that they had chances to score. However, recycling speed of breakdowns was different between 2 teams, which would cause point difference.
Recycling speed of breakdowns
[NTT com]
NTT com players took a time to recycle breakdowns, so that they started next attacking phase after opponent set positioning. Thus, a ball carrier was taken pressures from opponent. Also, they recycled breakdowns by more than 4 players, so that they could not make overlap even they kept attacking.
Shizuoka players recycled breakdowns fast throughout the game. They could penetrate gain-lines when they kept attacking because they could recycle many breakdowns with 3 players. Even if support player arrived breakdowns late, they recycled breakdowns with 2 players by SH took a ball out fast.
Shizuoka’s decision against opponent punts
Shizuoka players attacked blind-side once after breakdowns were made from catching opponent punts, which seemed a decision at early stage in this game. Although that decision came not to be seen as the game was proceeded, they tended to have counter attacks against opponent punts. This is because they assumed to be able to keep their ball even if they kept attacking without that decision because they could fight evenly at contact points.