ホンダ 対 サントリー レビュー (ジャパンラグビーリーグワン 2023-2024)
ジャパンラグビーリーグワン 2023-2024
ディビジョン1 第3節 カンファレンスA
ホンダ 16 - 34 サントリー
サントリーはアタッキングゾーンでボールを持った時に、アタックとパントを使い分けていた。相手のバックラインが多い時は展開、相手のバックラインが少ない時はパント、していた。 この使い分けがうまくいき、 フィニッシュゾーンまで攻め込むことが多かった。特に前半、フィニッシュゾーンまでボールを持ち込んだ回数にホンダとの違いが見られた(表1)。アタッキングゾーンにボールを持ち込んだ回数に違いは見られず、フィニッシュゾーンにボールを持ち込んだ回数が得点に影響している。
Honda vs Suntory Review (Japan Rugby League One 2023-2024)
Japan Rugby League One 2023-2024
Division 1, Section 3, Conference A
Honda 16 - 34 Suntory
Suntory players had Tries at early stage of the game, and won the game with their lead staying in 2nd half. In this game, both teams recycled BDs quickly, and aimed to Try by keeping attacks. Honda players rarely used punt in attacking or finish zone, which seemed to penetrate opponent defenses by using passes. They also had decoy runners around BDs, which seemed to make their attacks effective. However, it seemed difficult for them to penetrate opponent defenses.
Separation of Attacks from Punts by Suntory
Suntory players separated attacks and punts when they had a ball at attacking zone. They kept attacking when opponent back line had 3 players, and they had punts when opponent back line had 2 or less players. This separation worked well, and they tended to enter finish zone. Especially in 1st half, there was a difference between Suntory and Honda to bring a ball to finish zone (Table 1). There was no difference to bring a ball to attacking zone, thus the number to bring a ball to finish zone influenced scores of both teams.