サントリー 対 NTT docomo レビュー (ジャパンラグビーリーグワン 2022)
サントリー 42 - 3 NTT docomo
後半30分まで21対3でNTT docomoがなんとか粘っていたが、サントリーが後半30分から3トライを奪い点差が開いて試合終了となった。
前半と後半の開始後はNTT docomoがフィニッシュゾーンまで攻め込むこともあったが、トライを奪うことは出来なかった。それ以降はサントリーのアタッキングゾーンで試合が進むことが多かった。後半30分からの3トライのうち2つでオーバーラップを作られており、試合の終盤ではNTT docomoが運動量でカバーしてディフェンスするのは難しかったように見えた。
ラインアウトから相手がBKラインに展開しNo. 8がペネトレイターになりそうな時は、ダブルタックルに行けるようにDFライン内で選手間のポジショニングを(フラットにならないように)調整していた。
NTT docomoのアタックとディフェンス
Suntory vs NTT docomo (Review)
Japan Rugby League One
Division 1 (Conference B), Section 12
Suntory 42 - 3 NTT docomo
Even though NTT docomo persisted with 21 to 3 by 30 minutes of 2nd half, Suntory scored 3 Tries after 30 minutes of 2nd half and a point difference was got bigger at an end of the game.
NTT docomo players could not score Try even though they got in finish zone at early stages of 1st and 2nd half. After early stages, the game was proceeded mainly in attacking zone of Suntory. NTT docomo players were overlapped in 2 out of 3 Tries after 30 minutes of 2nd half, so that they seemed to be difficult to recover with increasing distance of running in defense.
Attacks and Defense of Suntory
They recycled breakdowns with 3 players
-Used flat passes to penetrate opponent defense
→Although they penetrated gain-lines or broke DF lines with their flat passes, it was seen several Knock-ons.
-Had passes from SH after taking a ball out from breakdowns and running several steps, which attenuated opponent rushing out
Up to 2 players participated breakdowns in many cases. They often used rush up-defense against 1st attacking phase from set pieces, and often used slide-defense from 2nd phase as seen in last section. They almost always used slide-defense against opponent attacks from midfield.
When opponent brought a ball to BK lines and No. 8 seemed to be a penetrator from line-outs, Suntory players regulated positioning of DF lines among players (no to be flat) to be able to have double tackles.
Attacks and Defense of NTT docomo
They recycled breakdowns with 3 players
-They had characteristic plays in attacking zone
1st half: They brought a ball to midfield at 1st attacking phase from line-outs, and had punts to open-side edge
→These plays seemed to aim pushing back opponent back three, and reacquiring a ball
2nd half: They had attacks as following sequence, such as an edge→midfield→another edge→midfield→the original edge
→BK players except for SH took a ball out from breakdowns at either edge, which seemed to aim controlling distance of SH to run, and recycling breakdowns fast
-Had consecutive 9-shapes in finish zone
They participated breakdowns within 2 players in many cases. They used rush up-defense against opponent 1st attacking phase from set pieces, and slide-defense from 2nd phase.