雪かきのような一件性差別に関係ないようなことでも、実際には大きな影響があるという話です。Gender Equal Snow Clearing in Karlskogaという記事から。『ミスマッチ 見えないユーザーを排除しない「インクルーシブ」なデザインへ』という本でも取り上げられていたので知っている方も多いかもしれません。
It all started with a gender equality programme for heads of department at the city of Karlskoga’s community development office.
話はスエーデンのカールスコーガの地域開発部署から始まります。heads of departmentというのは部署の管理職などリーダーシップをとるメンバーのことだと思います。gender equality programmeは、ジェンダーの平等、性別による差別や格差をなくすためのプログラムですね。
The manager in charge of snow clearing on city property realised that major traffic arteries and other roads for cars and larger vehicles were cleared first, often late at night when they were rather empty except for occasional lorries. Pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths were last on the list.
The reason for this is that men drive cars more often than women, who in turn walk, bike, use public transport and travel by car as a passenger more often than men.
Areas around pre-schools are assigned the highest priority. They are cleared before six o’clock in the morning, since parents go there before they go to work. Major employers are next in order of priority, regardless of whether mostly males or females work there. Pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths to schools are cleared around the time when pupils and students leave their homes.
仕事が始まる前に子供を送る親のために、幼稚園や保育園(preschool)の周りが最優先で朝の6時前に。次に男女問わず多くの従業員を抱える場所(major employers)の周辺、そして学校に向かう歩道や自転車道などが優先されます。人々の生活に合わせて順番を変えただけなので追加のコストはなく、むしろ怪我をする人が減って医療コストの削減が見込めます。