
Day 1_MBA Journey_Keys to Inspirational and Interactive Presentation

Especially the presentation by the Dean of our campus, Jan Goedvolk, was just super inspiring that I was truly drawn towards his talk. Here are some findings made his presentation so stunning and attractive.

1. Frequent questions asked to audiences - keeps tension and focus to the presenter
2. Knows names and faces of audiences - feel valued
3. He knows exactly what he is talking about - his talks and slide contents soak in so smoothly

His tips to all of us are as followings.

1. Don’t wait, take action now.
Plan ahead of academic study, self-development, career plan, “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.”
2. Don’t doubt, put all efforts to every subject and matter.
We might face many difficulties and confusion why do we do what we do. However, courses are planned in certain and appropriate manner to develop each one of you to next level, so do not doubt but put all of your effort.
3. You are here for a reason. Appreciate the difference
You would see people better than you and might be overwhelmed with it. However, you are here for a reason to bring great values and strengths on the table to each other. Work on your weaknesses, but express your strengths. Respect and appreciate all of our diversities that we bring together in the class.
4. Don’t be late, be on time.
Distraction takes everyone’s learning time and opportunity away. Therefore, lat are unacceptable, cellphone in the class is not allowed and be prepared for the class.

Amazing cohorts to go through this amazing year together. Can't wait to work on the project

