
Day -7_MBA Journey_Importance of Planning ahead

When I reflect back my learnings and actions I have done today, I think to my head and look at my notes. Yet the most effective way to recall clearly my actions of the day is looking back to my Calendar. This made me realize importance of "Planning" and one of my colleague, Ryan, at Apple, who had amazing best practices to learn from his past and prepare for his future. 

Ryan was constantly updating his schedule up to a month in the future, so that he knows what are coming. He schedule in order according to priorities as big, medium and small events. Yet, on top of it, he made sure to put his personal events as well. Here are my interpretation of those priority elements in my words. 

1. Big Events (MUST to do) - product/service launch, business trip, seminar and customer/partner 

2. Medium Events (Better to do) site visits, weekly one on one and meetings 

3. Small Events (Want to do) additional research, visit outside of responsible region, trainings. 

4. Personal Events (NEED this in order to shift mindset to inner self to appreciate the present and surroundings) - spend time with family, hobby, meeting with friends or new people and adventure. 

My Learnings today:

1. Micro-Learning and its trend is dramatically increasing as the Technology Evolution to enhance learning of each individual in new era.

2. Meaning and importance of Financial Accounting and each definitions of each Financial Report (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Equity Statement and Cash Flow Statement)

3. Found three key elements to decide the next career.  

 i. Jobs need to be related to Talent Development - examples areTalent Development Specialist, HRM or HR Consultant. 

ii. Work at companies well-known for people-centered culture 

iii. International company

4. Critical Thinking (the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement) can be nourished with many practices. 

