Infertility (Eng)
I’ve been getting infertility treatment since last year.
Do you know “infertility” ?
In general, 60% of couples who want baby can make the dream come true within half year. 90% within a year.
...10% can’t.
Infertility refers these 10% of couples.
My husband and I are in these 10%.
I’d never thought I needed infertility treatment...until knowing my fact.
There’re some kinds of diseases that cause infertility. Some people have lost their organs due to illness.
But I have enough organs to get pregnant, no serious illness.
...In my case, PCOS causes infertility.
PCOS is a kind of common disease. 多嚢胞性卵巣症候群 in Japanese.
It shouldn’t have been a fatal disease for general.
I already tried AIH four times and ART twice.
AIH : 人工授精
The result was terrible. Many doctors and patients can’t accept this shocking result as PCOS patient’s one.
We paid over a 1,300,000 yen for infertility treatment but get no good result.
We have to pay more 1,200,000 yen again for the treatment whether we can’t get pregnant or not. We can’t see the result in advance. Every time what we can is paying money, trying, and hoping.
I’m sure that these days are the worst in my life. I live in hell now.
If I was completely healthy, I would have both my baby and millions money.
I have neither now.
In the fact 90% couples don’t lost their money to get pregnant, though.
I wonder when I can back to original life from hell...?
When can I finish being tortured?
I need help. We need help.
Japanese government don’t help us.
Infertility patients have been spending millions money today, and tomorrow too..