ついに推しと飛べた😭✨ Finallyyyyyy I could fly with my fave!!!!!
みんなと千歳のお菓子交換会した🍪 I had a Chitose sweets exchange with our crew♡
毎日マイペースに生活できてるしあわせ🌷 I'm happy living at my own pace every day.
クルーがみんないい人で楽しいフライトだった✈️ The crew were all nice and it was a fun flight.
毎日少しずつ自分の成長を感じられてる🌱 I can feel myself growing little by little every day.
仕事が楽しいってしあわせだなと思った🙏🏻 I feel so lucky to enjoy my job🙏🏻
有名なプロフェッショナルたちに褒められた! I was praised by my professional superiors💛
出勤までの朝時間をゆったり過ごせた☕️ I enjoyed a calm morning before heading out to work.
同期に美味しい手作りケーキをもらった🍰 My lovely batchmate gave me a tasty homemade cake.
机のケアをして机がぴかぴかになった I polished my dining table, and it's shiny now✨
全ての訓練が終わった✈️ Finally, I've obtained all qualifications for our fleet.