Sukhāvatīvyūha (English) 阿弥陀経


The Sutra on Amitāyus Buddha Delivered by Śākyamuni Buddha

Translated into Chinese during the Yao-Qin Dynasty by Tripiṭaka Master Kumārajīva of Kucha

如是我聞。一時仏、在舎衛国 祇樹給孤独園、与大比丘衆 千二百五十人倶。皆是大阿羅漢。衆所知識。
Thus have I heard. At one time the Buddha was staying in the Jeta Grove monastery of Anāthapiṇḍada’s Garden at Śrāvastī, together with a large assembly of twelve hundred and fifty monks who were all great arhats well known to the people.

長老舎利弗 摩訶目犍連 摩訶迦葉 摩訶迦旃延 摩訶倶絺羅 離婆多 周利槃陀伽 難陀 阿難陀 羅睺羅 憍梵波提 賓頭盧頗羅堕 迦留陀夷 摩訶劫賓那 薄拘羅 阿㝹楼駄 如是等 諸大弟子、幷諸菩薩摩訶薩 文殊師利法王子 阿逸多菩薩 乾陀訶提菩薩 常精進菩薩、与如是等 諸大菩薩、及釈提桓因等 無量諸天 大衆倶。
Among them were great disciples such as the elders Śāriputra, Mahāmaudgalyāyana, Mahākāśyapa, Mahākātyāyana, Mahākauṣṭhila, Revata, Śuddhipanthaka, Nanda, Ānanda, Rāhula, Gavāṃpati, Piṇḍola Bhāradvāja, Kālodayin, Mahākapphiṇa, Vakkula, and Aniruddha. He was also accompanied by many bodhisattva mahāsattvas, such as Dharma Prince Mañjuśrī, Bodhisattva Ajita, Bodhisattva Sweet-smelling Elephant, and Bodhisattva Constant Endeavor, and by innumerable devas, including Śakra, lord of the gods, and many others.

爾時仏告 長老舎利弗、従是西方、過十万億仏土、有世界、名曰極楽。其土有仏、号阿弥陀。今現在説法。
The Buddha then said to Elder Śāriputra: “If you travel westward from here, passing a hundred thousand koṭis of buddha lands, you will come to the land called Utmost Bliss, where there is a buddha named Amitāyus. He is living there now, teaching the Dharma.

舎利弗、彼土何故 名為極楽。其国衆生、無有衆苦、但受諸楽、故名極楽。
Śāriputra, why is that land called Utmost Bliss? The beings in that land
suffer no pain but only enjoy pleasures of various kinds. For this reason, that
land is called Utmost Bliss.

又舎利弗、極楽国土、七重欄楯 七重羅網 七重行樹。皆是四宝、周帀囲繞。是故彼国、名曰極楽。
Again, Śāriputra, in the Land of Utmost Bliss there are seven rows of balustrades, seven rows of decorative nets, and seven rows of trees. They are all made of four kinds of jewels and extend over the whole land, encompassing everything. For this reason, that land is called Utmost Bliss.

又舎利弗、極楽国土、有七宝池。八功徳水 充満其中。池底純以 金沙布地。四辺階道、金銀瑠璃 玻瓈合成。上有楼閣、亦以金銀瑠璃 玻瓈硨磲 赤珠碼碯、而厳飾之。池中蓮華、大如車輪。青色青光、黄色黄光、赤色赤光、白色白光。微妙香潔。 舎利弗、極楽国土、成就如是 功徳荘厳。
Again, Śāriputra, in the Land of Utmost Bliss there are seven jeweled ponds filled with water possessing the eight excellent qualities. The beds of the ponds are covered solely with gold sand, and from the four sides of each bed rise stairs of gold, silver, beryl, and crystal. Above these stand pavilions adorned with gold, silver, beryl, crystal, sapphire, rosy pearls, and cornelian. In the ponds are lotuses as large as chariot wheels—the blue ones radiating a blue light, the yellow a yellow light, the red a red light, and the white a white light. They are marvelous and beautiful, fragrant and pure. Śāriputra, the Land of Utmost Bliss is filled with such splendid adornments.

又舎利弗、彼仏国土、常作天楽。黄金為地。昼夜六時、而雨曼陀羅華。其国衆生、常以清旦、各以衣裓、盛衆妙華、供養他方 十万億仏。即以食時、還到本国、飯食経行。舎利弗、極楽国土、成就如是 功徳荘厳。
Again, Śāriputra, in that buddha land heavenly music is played continually. The ground is made of gold. Six times during the day and night māndārava flowers rain down from the sky. Every day, in the serenity of early morning, the people of that land fill the hems of their robes with exquisite flowers and go to make offerings to a hundred thousand koṭis of buddhas dwelling in the worlds of all the other directions. Then they return to the Pure Land for their morning meal. After the meal they enjoy a stroll. Śāriputra, the Land of Utmost Bliss is filled with such splendid adornments.

復次舎利弗、彼国常有 種種奇妙 雑色之鳥。白鵠孔雀 鸚鵡舎利 迦陵頻伽 共命之鳥。是諸衆鳥、昼夜六時 出和雅音。其音演暢 五根五力 七菩提分 八聖道分 如是等法。其土衆生、聞是音已、皆悉念仏念法念僧。
Again, Śāriputra, in that land there are always many kinds of rare and beautiful birds of various colors, such as white geese, peacocks, parrots, śāris, kalaviṅkas, and jīvaṃjīvakas. Six times during the day and night birds sing with melodious and delicate sounds, which proclaim such teachings as the five roots of good, the five powers, the seven practices leading to enlightenment, and the Noble Eightfold Path. On hearing them, all the people of that land become mindful of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.

舎利弗、汝勿謂此鳥 実是罪報所生。所以者何。彼仏国土、無三悪趣。 舎利弗、其仏国土、尚無三悪道之名。何況有実 是諸衆鳥。皆是阿弥陀仏、欲令法音宣流、変化所作。
But, Śāriputra, you should not assume that these birds are born as retribution for evil karma. The reason is that none of the three evil realms exists in that buddha land. Śāriputra, even the names of the three evil realms do not exist there; how much less the realms themselves! These birds are manifested by Amitāyus so that their singing can proclaim and spread the Dharma.

舎利弗、彼仏国土、微風吹動 諸宝行樹 及宝羅網、出微妙音。譬如百千種楽 同時倶作。聞是音者、皆自然生 念仏念法念僧之心。舎利弗、其仏国土、成就如是 功徳荘厳。
In that buddha land, Śāriputra, when soft breezes waft through the rows of jeweled trees and jeweled nets they produce subtle, wonderful sounds. It is as if a hundred thousand musical instruments were playing together. Everyone who hears the sounds spontaneously becomes mindful of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Śāriputra, that buddha land is filled with such splendid adornments.

舎利弗、於汝意云何。彼仏何故 号阿弥陀。舎利弗、彼仏光明無量、照十方国、無所障碍、是故号為阿弥陀。
For what reason, Śāriputra, do you think that buddha is called Amitābha? Śāriputra, the Buddha’s light shines boundlessly and without hindrance over all the worlds of the ten directions. It is for this reason that he is called Amitābha.

又舎利弗、彼仏寿命 及其人民、無量無辺 阿僧祇劫、故名阿弥陀。舎利弗、阿弥陀仏、成仏已来、於今十劫。
Again, Śāriputra, the lives of the Buddha and the people of his land last for innumerable, unlimited, and incalculable kalpas. It is for this reason that the buddha is called Amitāyus. Śāriputra, ten kalpas have passed since Amitāyus attained enlightenment.

又舎利弗、彼仏有無量無辺 声聞弟子、皆阿羅漢。非是算数 之所能知。諸菩薩衆 亦復如是。舎利弗、彼仏国土、成就如是 功徳荘厳。
Moreover, Śāriputra, he has an immeasurable and unlimited number of śrāvaka disciples, all of them arhats, whose number cannot be reckoned by any means. His assembly of bodhisattvas is similarly vast. Śāriputra, that buddha land is filled with such splendid adornments.

又舎利弗、極楽国土 衆生生者、皆是阿鞞跋致。其中多有一生補処、其数甚多。非是算数 所能知之。但可以無量無辺 阿僧祇劫説。
Again, Śāriputra, all sentient beings born in the Land of Utmost Bliss dwell in the stage of non-retrogression. Many of them are in the stage of becoming a buddha after one more life. Their number is so great that it is beyond reckoning; it can only be described as innumerable, unlimited, and incalculable.

舎利弗、衆生聞者、応当発願 願生彼国。所以者何。得与如是 諸上善人 倶会一処。舎利弗、不可以少善根 福徳因縁 得生彼国。
Śāriputra, those sentient beings who hear of that land should aspire to be born there. Why? Because they will be able to meet such sages of supreme virtue. Śāriputra, one cannot attain birth in that land with few roots of good or a small store of merit.

舎利弗、若有善男子善女人、聞説阿弥陀仏、執持名号、若一日、若二日、若三日、若四日、若五日、若六日、若七日、一心不乱、其人臨命終時、阿弥陀仏、与諸聖衆、現在其前。是人終時、心不顚倒、即得往生 阿弥陀仏 極楽国土。舎利弗、我見是利 故説此言。 若有衆生 聞是説者、応当発願 生彼国土。
Śāriputra, if a good man or woman who hears of Amitāyus holds fast to his Name even for one day, two days, three, four, five, six, or seven days with a concentrated and undistracted mind, then, at the hour of death, Amitāyus will appear with a host of holy ones. Consequently, when their life comes to an end, the aspirants’ minds will not fall into confusion and so they will be born immediately in the Land of Utmost Bliss of Amitāyus. Śāriputra, perceiving these benefits, I say: All sentient beings who hear this teaching should aspire to birth in that land.

舎利弗、如我今者 讃歎阿弥陀仏 不可思議功徳、東方亦有 阿閦鞞仏 須弥相仏 大須弥仏 須弥光仏 妙音仏、如是等 恒河沙数諸仏、各於其国、出広長舌相、遍覆三千大千世界、説誠実言。汝等衆生、当信是称讃 不可思議功徳 一切諸仏 所護念経。
Śāriputra, just as I praise the inconceivable virtue of Amitāyus, so do the buddhas in the eastern direction as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, such as Akṣobhya Buddha, Merudhvaja Buddha, Mahāmeru Buddha, Meruprabhāsa Buddha, and Mañjusvara Buddha. While dwelling in their own lands, they extend their long, broad tongues and, encompassing with them the universe of a thousand million worlds, pronounce these words of truth: Sentient beings should accept this sutra entitled ‘Praise of the Inconceivable Virtue and Protection by All Buddhas.’

舎利弗、南方世界、有日月燈仏 名聞光仏 大焰肩仏 須弥燈仏 無量精進仏、如是等 恒河沙数諸仏、各於其国、出広長舌相、遍覆三千大千世界、説誠実言。汝等衆生、当信是称讃 不可思議功徳 一切諸仏 所護念経。
Śāriputra, there are in the southern direction buddhas as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, such as Candrasūryapradīpa Buddha, Yaśasprabha Buddha, Mahārciskandha Buddha, Merupradīpa Buddha, and Anantavīrya Buddha. While dwelling in their own lands, they extend their long, broad tongues and, encompassing with them the universe of a thousand million worlds, pronounce these words of truth: Sentient beings should accept this sutra entitled ‘Praise of the Inconceivable Virtue and Protection by All Buddhas.’

舎利弗、西方世界、有無量寿仏 無量相仏 無量幢仏 大光仏 大明仏 宝相仏 浄光仏、如是等 恒河沙数諸仏、各於其国、出広長舌相、遍覆三千大千世界、説誠実言。汝等衆生、当信是称讃 不可思議功徳 一切諸仏 所護念経。
Śāriputra, there are in the western direction buddhas as numerous as the
sands of the Ganges River, such as Amitāyus Buddha, Amitaketu Buddha,
Amitadhvaja Buddha, Mahāprabha Buddha, Mahāprabhāsa Buddha, Ratnaketu Buddha, and Śuddharaśmiprabha Buddha. While dwelling in their own lands, they extend their long, broad tongues and, encompassing with them the universe of a thousand million worlds, pronounce these words of truth: Sentient beings should accept this sutra entitled ‘Praise of the Inconceivable Virtue and Protection by All Buddhas.’

舎利弗、北方世界、有焰肩仏 最勝音仏 難沮仏 日生仏 網明仏 如是等 恒河沙数諸仏、各於其国、出広長舌相、遍覆三千大千世界、説誠実言。汝等衆生、当信是称讃 不可思議功徳 一切諸仏 所護念経。
Śāriputra, there are in the northern direction buddhas as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, such as Arciskandha Buddha, Vaiśvānaranirghoṣa Buddha, Duṣpradharṣa Buddha, Ādityasaṃbhava Buddha, and Jālinīprabha Buddha. While dwelling in their own lands, they extend their long, broad tongues and, encompassing with them the universe of a thousand million worlds, pronounce these words of truth: Sentient beings should accept this sutra entitled ‘Praise of the Inconceivable Virtue and Protection by All Buddhas.’

舎利弗、下方世界、有師子仏 名聞仏 名光仏 達摩仏 法幢仏 持法仏、如是等 恒河沙数諸仏、各於其国、出広長舌相、遍覆三千大千世界、説誠実言。 汝等衆生、当信是称讃 不可思議功徳 一切諸仏 所護念経。
Śāriputra, there are in the nadir buddhas as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, such as Siṃha Buddha, Yaśas Buddha, Yaśasprabhāsa Buddha, Dharma Buddha, Dharmadhvaja Buddha, and Dharmadhara Buddha. While dwelling in their own lands, they extend their long, broad tongues and, encom- passing with them the universe of a thousand million worlds, pronounce these words of truth: Sentient beings should accept this sutra entitled ‘Praise of the Inconceivable Virtue and Protection by All Buddhas.’

舎利弗、上方世界、有梵音仏 宿王仏 香上仏 香光仏 大焰肩仏 雑色宝華厳身仏 娑羅樹王仏 宝華徳仏 見一切義仏 如須弥山仏、如是等 恒河沙数諸仏、各於其国、出広長舌相、遍覆三千大千世界、説誠実言。汝等衆生、当信是称讃 不可思議功徳 一切諸仏 所護念経。
Śāriputra, there are in the zenith buddhas as numerous as the sands of
the Ganges River, such as Brahmaghoṣa Buddha, Nakṣatrarāja Buddha,  Gandhottama Buddha, Gandhaprabhāsa Buddha, Mahārciskandha Buddha, Ratnakusumasaṃpuṣpitagātra Buddha, Śālendrarāja Buddha, Ratnotpalaśrī Buddha, Sarvārthadarśa Buddha, and Sumerukalpa Buddha. While dwelling in their own lands they extend their long, broad tongues and, encompassing with them the universe of a thousand million worlds, pronounce these words of truth: Sentient beings should accept this sutra entitled ‘Praise of the Inconceivable Virtue and Protection by All Buddhas.’

舎利弗、於汝意云何。何故名為 一切諸仏 所護念経。舎利弗、若有善男子善女人、聞是諸仏所説名 及経名者、是諸善男子善女人、皆為一切諸仏、共所護念、皆得不退転 於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。
Śāriputra, why do you think this teaching is called the ‘Sutra of Protection by All Buddhas’? Śāriputra, all good men and women who hear this sutra and hold fast to it, and also those who hear the names of those buddhas, are protected by all the buddhas and dwell in the stage of non-retrogression for realizing highest, perfect enlightenment.

是故舎利弗、汝等皆当 信受我語 及諸仏所説。舎利弗、若有人、已発願、今発願、当発願、欲生阿弥陀仏国者、是諸人等、皆得不退転 於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提、於彼国土、若已生、若今生、若当生。是故舎利弗、諸善男子善女人、若有信者、応当発願 生彼国土。
This is why, Śāriputra, you should accept my words in faith and the teachings of all the buddhas. Śāriputra, those who have already aspired, now aspire, or in the future will aspire to be born in the land of Amitāyus Buddha all dwell in the stage of non-retrogression for realizing highest, perfect enlightenment. They have already been born, are now being born, or will be born in that land. Hence, Śāriputra, good men and women of faith should aspire to birth there.

舎利弗、如我今者 称讃諸仏 不可思議功徳、彼諸仏等 亦称説我 不可思議功徳、而作是言。釈迦牟尼仏、能為甚難 希有之事、能於娑婆国土 五濁悪世、劫濁 見濁 煩悩濁 衆生濁 命濁中、得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提、為諸衆生、説是一切世間 難信之法。
Śāriputra, just as I now praise the inconceivable virtue of other buddhas, they also praise my inconceivable virtue, saying, ‘Śākyamuni Buddha, you have accomplished an extremely difficult and unprecedented task. In this Sahā world, during the evil period of the five defilements—those of time, views, passions, sentient beings, and lifespan—you have attained highest, perfect enlightenment and, for the sake of sentient beings, have delivered this teaching which is the most difficult in the world to accept in faith.’

舎利弗、当知我於 五濁悪世、行此難事、得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提、為一切世間、説此難信之法。是為甚難。
Śāriputra, you must realize that I have accomplished this difficult task during the period of the five defilements. That is to say, having attained highest, perfect enlightenment, I have for the sake of the world delivered this teaching, which is so hard to accept in faith. This is indeed an extremely difficult task.”

仏説此経已、舎利弗、及諸比丘 一切世間 天人阿修羅等、聞仏所説、歓喜信受、作礼而去。
When the Buddha had delivered this sutra, Śāriputra and all the monks, together with beings of the whole world, including devas, humans, and asuras, rejoiced at what they had heard and reverently accepted it. Having worshiped him, they departed.

The Smaller Sukhāvatīvyūha Sutra
