

Thirty Verses on Manifestation Only

Composed by Vasubandhu
Translated to Chinese by Paramārtha

Verses of the Thirty Elements of Cognition

ama sarvabuddhabodhisattvebhya
“From me, to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.”

yo bodhisattvavacanāni tanoti loke lokottarāi suviśuddhamanoramāi
"The pure and delightful teachings of the Bodhisattva, which spread throughout the world."
稽首唯識性 満分清浄者  けいしゅゆいししょう まんぶんしょうじょうしゃ 
Reverence towards pure being in terms of manifastation onliness fully and partially.

sasāranirvtipathaprathamānaśobho vande tam āryam anujānugatāryaśobham
"I worship the noble radiance that is the first light on the path of liberation from the cycle of birth and death."
我今釈彼説 利楽諸有情
がこんしゃひせ りらしょうじょ
Now, I am translate his preach and contribute for every living beings.

ātmadharmopacāro hi vividho ya pravartate
"Indeed, there are various types of observance of one's own duty that are practiced."
Diversity of practices and approaches to fulfilling one's personal responsibilities or duties (ātma-dharma).
由假説我法 有種種相轉 ゆけせがほ うしゅじゅそうてん
仮に由りて我法と説く 種種の相転すること有り
From the delusion of self and dharmas,
Comes the conveyence of various manifestations;

vijñānapariāme'sau pariāma sa ca tridhā
"This transformation is of consciousness, and it occurs in three ways."
彼依識所變 此能變唯三 ひえししょへん しのへんゆいさん
彼れは識所変に依る 此れが能変は唯三のみなり
These are supported and transformed by consciousness,
And there are only three of these which may transform.

vipāko mananākhyaśca vijñaptirviayasya ca
"Cognition, contemplation, and the object of perception.."
謂異熟思量 及了別境識 いいじゅしりょ ぎゅうりょうべつきょうし
謂わく異熟と思量と 及び了別境との識なり
These are retribution, thought, and the perception of external objects.

tatrālayākhya vijñāna vipāka sarvabījakam
"In that place, consciousness is the ripening of all seeds."
初阿頼耶識 異熟一切種  しょあらやし いじゅいっさいしゅ
初めに阿頼耶識なり 異熟なり一切種なり
The first of these is the Ālaya Consciousness,
Which is retribution as well as all the seeds.

asaviditakopādisthānavijñaptika ca tat
"That which pertains to unperceived anger and other mental states."
不可知執受 處了常與觸 ふかちしゅじゅ しょりょうじょうよそ
不可知の執受と 処と了となり常に触と
Its grasping, location, and knowing are imperceivable,
And it is always associated with mental contact,

sadā sparśamanaskāravitsajñācetanānvitam
"Always endowed with touch, mental impressions, recognition, consciousness."
作意受想思 相應唯捨受  さうじゅそうし そうおうゆいしゃじゅ
作意と受と想と思と 相応す唯し捨受のみなり
Attention, sensation, conception, and thought;
It is associated with neither pleasure nor pain.

upekā vedanā tatrānivtāvyākta ca tat
"Indifference, sensation, there, unrevolving, undifferentiated, and that."
是無覆無記 觸等亦如是 ぜむふむき そとやにょぜ
是れ無覆無記なり 触等も亦是の如し
It is undefiled and morally indeterminate;
Mental contact and the others are also like this.

tathā sparśādayastacca vartate srotasaughavat
"Similarly, the contact and others exist like a stream's flow."
恒轉如暴流 阿羅漢位捨 ごうてんにょぼる あらかんにしゃ
恒に転ずること暴流の如し 阿羅漢の位に捨す
Its conveyence is like that of a flowing stream,
And it is abandoned in the stage of the arhat.

tasya vyāvttirarhattve tadāśritya pravartate
"Based on its appropriateness for that situation, it proceeds."
次第二能變 是識名末那 しだいにのうへん ぜしみょまな
次のは第二能変なり 是の識を末那と名づく
Next is the second which is able to transform,
And this consciousness is called Manas.

tadālamba manonāma vijñāna mananātmakam
"The support of that (tad), named as mind (mana), is contemplative consciousness."
依彼轉縁彼 思量爲性相 えひてんねんぴ しりょういしょうそう
彼に依りて転じて彼を縁ず 思量するを性とも相とも為す  
It is supported by the previous conveyence,
And its character and nature are that of thought.

kleśaiścaturbhi sahita nivtāvyāktai sadā
"Always with the four afflictions, subdued and undifferentiated."
四煩惱常倶 謂我癡我見 しぼんのうじょうく いがちがけん
四の煩悩と常に倶なり 謂わく我癡と我見と
It is always associated with the four vexations,
Which are delusion of a self, perception of a self,

"By self-view, self-delusion, self-conceit, and attachment to non-self."
并我慢我愛 及餘觸等倶 びょうがまんがあい ぎゅうよそうとうぐ
并びに我慢と我愛となり 及び余と触等と倶なり  
Identity with a self, and love of a self,
As well as mental contact and the others.

yatrajastanmayairanyai sparśādyaiścārhato na tat
"That is not generated from touch and other external causes, which are produced from darkness and other elements."
有覆無記攝 隨所生所繋 うふむきしょう ずいしょしょうしょげ
有覆無記に摂めらる 所生に随って繋せらる
It is defiled and morally indeterminate,
And its location is bound to that of life.

na nirodhasamāpattau mārge lokottare na ca
"Neither in the attainment of cessation nor in the worldly path beyond, nor also."
阿羅漢滅定 出世道無有 あらかんめっじょう しゅっせどむう
阿羅漢と滅定と 出世道とには有ること無し  
In the Nirodha Samāpatti of the arhats,
And in the Supramundane Path, it does not exist.

dvitīya pariāmo'ya ttīyaḥṣavidhasya yā
This is the second transformation, and that is the third of the sixfold."
次第三能變 差別有六種 しだいさんのうへん しゃべうろしゅ
次の第三能変は 差別なること六種有り
Next is the third which is able to transform,
Which is distinguished into six different divisions;

viayasyopalabdhi sā kuśalākuśalādvayā
"That is the dual nature of the attainment of objects, both skillful and unskillful."
了境爲性相 善不善倶非
りょうきょいしょうそう ぜんぷぜんくひ
境を了するを性とも相とも為す 善と不善と倶非となり  
Its appearance and nature are perceiving external objects,
And these may be good, bad, or indeterminate.

"Determined everywhere by good and bad"
此心所遍行 別境善煩惱 ししんじょへんぎょう べっきょぜんぼんのう
此の心所は遍行と 別境と善と煩悩と
It is associated with omnipresent mental activities,
With the external objects, the good, the vexations,

samprayuktā tathā kleśairupakleśaistrivedanā

"Engaged, and also the feeling of afflictions and secondary afflictions."
隨煩惱不定 皆三受相應 ずいぼんのうふじょう かいさんじゅそうおう
随煩悩と不定となり 皆三の受と相応す  
The secondary vexations, and the undetermined,
And it is associated with all three feelings.

sparśādayaśchandādhimokasmtaya saha
"The initial experiences, including sensations, mental objects, desires, liberation, and memories, together."
初遍行觸等 次別境謂欲 しょへんぎょうそうとう しべっきょういよう
初の遍行とは触等なり 次の別境とは謂わく欲と
Omnipresent mental activities are mental contact, etc.;
Next are those with objects, which are desires,

niyatā śraddātha hrīrapatrapā
"Devotion (śraddā) arising from (abhyāṁ) the states of meditative absorption (samādhi) is (niyatāḥ) a shelter (patrapā) for modesty (hrī)."
勝解念定慧 所縁事不同 しょうげねんじょうえ しょえんじふどう
勝解と念と定と慧となり 所縁の事不同なり
Determination, mindfulness, samādhi, wisdom, etc.,
And the object of each of these is not the same.

vīrya praśrabdhi sāpramādikā
"The threefold strength of non-greed, diligence, and attentiveness."
善謂信慚愧 無貪等三根 ぜんにしんざんき むとんとうさんこん
善とは謂わく信と慚と愧と 無貪等の三根と
The good are faith, conscience, a sense of shame,
The three roots such as desirelessness, etc.,

sā kuśalā kleśā rāgapratighamūhaya
"Non-violence (ahiṁsā) is beneficial, as it counteracts (pratigha) the afflictions (kleśāḥ) rooted in attachment (rāga)."
勤安不放逸 行捨及不害 ごんなんふほい ぎょうしゃぎゅうふがい
勤と安と不放逸と 行捨と及び不害となり  
And also vigor, peacefulness, vigilance,
Equanimity, and harmlessness.

gvicikitsāśca krodhopanahane puna
"Also, in the case of pride, doubt, and anger, once again."
煩惱謂貪瞋 癡慢疑惡見
ぼんのういとんじん ちまんぎあっけん
煩悩とは謂わく貪と瞋と 癡と慢と疑と悪見となり
The vexations are desire, hatred,
Delusion, pride, doubt, and wrong views.

a pradāśa īryātha mātsarya saha māyayā
"Envy, pride, jealousy, along with deceit."
隨煩惱謂忿 恨覆惱嫉慳 ずいぼんのういふん こんぷのうしっけん
随煩悩とは謂わく忿と 恨と覆と悩と嫉と慳と
The secondary vexations are anger,
Hostility, obscuration, anger, jealousy, greed,

hya mado'vihisā hrīratrapā styānamuddhava
"Dishonesty, arrogance without harm, cowardice disguised as humility, and deceit."
誑諂與害憍 無慚及無愧 おうでんよがいきょう むざんぎゅうむぎ
誑と諂と害と憍と 無慚と及び無愧と
Deceit, harmful flattery, arrogance,
Lack of shame, lack of conscience,

āśraddhyamatha kausīdya
pramādo muitā smti
"Lack of faith, laziness, negligence, forgetfulness."
掉擧與惛沈 不信并懈怠 じょこよこんじん ふしんびょうけだい
掉挙と惛沈と 不信と并びに懈怠と
Acting upon agitations, torpor,
A lack of faith, laziness,

epo'samprajanya ca kauktya middhameva ca
"Distraction, lack of awareness, deceitfulness, and slothfulness."
放逸及失念 散亂不正知 ほいぎゅうしっねん さんらんふしょうち
放逸と及び失念と 散乱と不正知となり
Negligence as well as forgetfulness,
Distraction, and incorrect knowing.

vitarkaśca vicāraścetyupakleśā dvaye dvidhā
"Vitarka(coarse stages of mental activity) and vicāra(deeper level of mental activity) are the two-fold manifestations of impurities."
不定謂悔眠 尋伺二各二 ふじょういけみん じんしにかに
不定とは謂わく悔と眠と 尋と伺との二に各二あり
The undetermined are remorse, sleep,
And both types of initial and sustained thought.

mūlavijñāne yathāpratyayamudbhava
"The emergence of root consciousness in accordance with the specific condition."
依止根本識 五識隨縁現 えしこんぽんし ごしずいえんげん
根本識に依止す 五識は縁に随って現じ
With their basis in the root consciousness,
The five consciousnesses manifest according to conditions;

saha na vā taraā yathā jale
"Just as waves are not separate from water, consciousnesses are not separate from (mental) events."
或倶或不倶 如濤波依水 わくわふく にょとはえすい
或は倶なり或は倶ならず 濤波の水に依るが如し
These manifestations may occur together or separately,
Just as waves are formed upon the water.

bhūti sarvadāsajñikādte
"Mind-consciousness arises, always relying on all-perceiving."
意識常現起 除生無想天 いしじょうげんき じょしょうむそうてん
意識は常に現起す 無想天に生じたると
The thought consciousness always manifests
Except for those born in the heavens of no-thought,

"Even from unconsciousness due to fainting from the two samāpattis (mind state of complete absorption)"
及無心二定 睡眠與悶絶 ぎゅうむしんにじょう すいみんよもんぜ
及び無心の二定と 睡眠と悶絶とを除く  
For those in the two samādhis without thought,
And for those who are drowsy or unconsciousness.

āmo'ya vikalpo yad vikalpyate
"This transformation of consciousness is conceptualized."
是諸識轉變 分別所分別 ぜしょしてんぺん ふんべっしょふんべっ
是の諸の識転変して 分別たり所分別たり
These various consciousnesses are transformed
As discrimination and that which is discriminated,

tena tannāsti teneda
sarva vijñaptimātrakam
"By that (the mind), this is not, and by this, all of this is mere representation (mental construct or projection)."
由此彼皆無 故一切唯識 ゆうしひかいむ こいっさいゆいし
此に由りて彼は皆無し 故に一切唯識のみなり  
And with this basis they are all empty—
Thus they are all Consciousness Only.

hi vijñāna pariāmastathā tathā
"All consciousness is the seed, and likewise, transformation occurs as such."
由一切種識 如是如是變 ゆういっさいしゅし にょぜにょぜへん
一切種識の 是の如く是の如く変するに由りて
Through the consciousness of all seeds,
There are such-and-such transformations,

yātyanyo'nyavaśād yena vikalpa
sa sa jāyate
"By whatever it is influenced, that particular thought arises."
以展轉力故 彼彼分別生 いちんでんりっこ ひひふんべっしょう
展転する力を以ての故に 彼彼の分別生ず  
And from the power of this conveyence,
This-and-that are produced by discrimination.

o vāsanā grāhadvayavāsanayā saha
"The inclination of actions, together with the twofold inclination to apprehend.
由諸業習氣 二取習氣倶 ゆしょごじっけ にしゅじっけく
諸の業の習気と 二取の習気と倶なるに由りて
Due to the habit energy of various actions,
Along with the habit energy of dualistic grasping,

īe pūrvavipāke'nyad vipāka janayanti tat
"When the previous maturation is exhausted, something else gives rise to the maturation."
前異熟既盡 復生餘異熟 ぜんにじゅきじん ぶしょうよいじゅ
前の異熟既に尽きぬれば 復た余の異熟を生ず  
Even when earlier retributions are exhausted,
Still the renewed arising of retribution occurs.

yena yena vikalpena yad yad vastu vikalpyate
"By whatever thought (vikalpa) a particular object (vastu) is conceived."
由彼彼遍計 遍計種種物 ゆひひへんげ へんげしゅじゅも
彼彼の遍計に由りて 種種の物を遍計す
From this and that imagination,
One imagines all kinds of objects;

parikalpita evāsau svabhāvo na sa vidyate
"This is merely imagined, it has no inherent nature."
此遍計所執 自性無所有 しへんげしょしゅう じしょうむしょう
此の遍計所執の 自性は所有無し  
These pervasive imagined objects
Are without actual self-nature.

paratantrasvabhāvastu vikalpa
"The conceptualization of an other-dependent entity arises from a condition."
依他起自性 分別縁所生 えたきじしょう ふんべっえんしょしょう
依他起の自性の 分別は縁に生ぜらる
From the self-nature of interdependence
Comes discrimination arising from conditions;

pannastasya pūrvea sadā rahitatā tu yā
"What is devoid of creation and always devoid of a previous state."
圓成實於彼 常遠離前性 えんじょうじおひ じょうおんりぜんしょう
円成実は彼が於に 常に前のを遠離せる性なり  
The perfection of the fruit comes from
Always being apart from the former nature.

ata eva sa naivānyo nānanya
"Therefore, he is neither another nor different, being dependent."
故此與依他 非異非不異 こしよえた ひいひふい
故に此は依他と 異にも非ず不異にも非ず
Therefore in relation to the interdependent,
It is neither different nor is it not different,

anityatādivad vācyo nād
ṛṣṭe'smin sa dśyate
"Like impermanence and so forth, he is described, not seen in this (world), he is seen."
如無常等性 非不見此彼 にょむじょうとうしょう ひふけんしひ
無常等の性の如し 此を見ずして彼をみるものには非ず  
Just like the nature of impermanence, etc.,
And when one is not perceived, the other is.

trividhasya svabhāvasya trividhā
"The threefold nature becoming threefold devoid of intrinsic nature."
即依此三性 立彼三無性 そえしさんしょう りっぴさんむしょう 
即ち此の三性に依りて 彼の三無性を立つ
On the basis of the three kinds of self-nature
Is established the threefold absence of self-nature;

sandhāya sarvadharmā
ā deśitā nisvabhāvatā
"Having ascertained the lack of intrinsic nature of all phenomena."
故佛密意説 一切法無性 こぶみちせ いっさいほうむしょう
故に仏密意をもって 一切の法は性無しと説きたまう
Thus the Buddha spoke with the hidden intent
That all dharmas are without nature.

prathamo lak
aenaiva nisvabhāvo'para puna
"Initially, devoid of intrinsic nature, then distinct in its own way again."
初即相無性 次無自然性 しょそそむしょう じむじねんしょう
初のは即ち相無性 次のは無自然の性
The first is the naturelessness of characteristics,
The next is the naturelessness of self-existence;

na svaya
bhāva etasyetyaparā nisvabhāvatā
"The intrinsic nature of this is not self-produced, hence it is devoid of intrinsic nature."
後由遠離前 所執我法性 ごゆおんりぜん しょしゅうがほっしょう
後のは前の 所執の我法を遠離せるに由る性なり  
The last is the detachment from the first,
When the natures of self and dharmas are grasped.

ā paramārthaśca sa yatastathatā'pi sa
"He is the ultimate reality of phenomena and their true nature."
此諸法勝義 亦即是眞如 ししょほしょうぎ やそぜしんにょ
此れは諸法の勝義なり 亦は即ち是れ真如なり
This is the ultimate truth of all dharmas,
And it is also the same as True Suchness.

tathābhāvāt saiva vijñaptimātratā
"At all times, due to suchness, it is mere representation."
常如其性故 即唯識實性 じょうにょごしょうこ そゆいしじっしょう
常如にして其の性たるが故に 即ち唯識の実性なり  
Because its nature is eternally so,
It is the true nature of Consciousness Only.

yāvad vijñaptimātratve vijñāna
"As long as consciousness remains merely as representation."
乃至未起識 求住唯識性 ないしみきし ぐじょうゆいししょう
乃し識を起して 唯識の性に住せんと求めざるに至るまでは
So long as one has not given rise to the consciousness
Which seeks to abide in the nature of Consciousness Only,

grāhadvayasyānuśayastāvanna vinivartate
"So long as the two types of apprehensions (or perceptions) exist, the disposition does not cease."
於二取隨眠 猶未能伏滅 おにしゅずいみん ゆうみのうぶめ
二取の随眠に於て 猶未だ伏し滅すること能わず  
Then regarding the two types of grasping dispositions,
He is still not yet able to subdue and extinguish them.

vijñaptimātramevedamityapi hyupalambhata

"Even though it is apprehended as mere representation."
現前立少物 謂是唯識性
げんぜんりっしょうも いぜゆいししょう
前に少物を立てて 是れ唯識の性なりと謂えり
Setting up and establishing even something small
And saying this is the nature of Consciousness Only,

kiñcit tanmātre nāvatiṣṭhate
"Placing something in front, it does not remain as mere representation."
以有所得故 非實住唯識 いうしょとっこ ひじじゅうゆいし
所得有るを以ての故に 実に唯識に住するに非ず  
Because there is still something which is grasped,
It is not truly abiding in Consciousness Only.

jñāna naivopalabhate tadā
"When the object of knowledge is not perceived, then..."
若時於所縁 智都無所得 にゃじおしょえん ちとむしょと
若し時に所縁の於に 智都て所得無くなんぬ
When one regards that which is conditioned
With the wisdom of total non-appropriation,

vijñānamātratve grāhyābhāve tadagrahāt
"When there is only consciousness remaining, due to the absence of the object, that (consciousness) is apprehended."
爾時住唯識 離二取相故 にじじゅうゆいし りにしゅそこ
爾の時に唯識に住す 二取の相を離れるるが故に  
Then at that time one abides in Consciousness Only,
Apart from the duality of grasping at appearances.

acitto'nupalambho'sau jñāna
lokottara ca tat
"This knowledge is beyond perception and unapprehended by the mind."
無得不思議 是出世間智 むとふしぎ ぜしゅっせけんち
無得なり不思議なり 是れ出世間の智なり
Without grasping and not conceptualizing—
This is the wisdom of the supramundane realm

āśrayasya parāv
ttirdvidhā dauṣṭhulyahānita
"The transformation of the basis occurs in two ways, either due to defectiveness or due to external conditions."
捨二麤重故 便證得轉依 しゃにそじゅこ べんしょうとてんね 
二の麤重を捨するが故に 便ち転依を証得す
Which abandons the coarseness of duality
And naturally attains transformation of the basis.

sa evānāsravo dhāturacintya
kuśalo dhruva
"He alone is the unperceived, the inconceivable substance, skilled and steadfast."
此即無漏界 不思議善常 しそむろかい ふしぎぜんじょう
此は即ち無漏界なり 不思議なり善なり常なり
This itself is the realm of no outflows,
Inconceivable, good, and eternal,

sukho vimuktikāyo'sau dharmākhyo'ya
"This is the description of bliss and liberation, O great sage."
安樂解脱身 大牟尼名法 あんらくげだっしん だいむにみょうほう
安楽なり解脱身なり 大牟尼なるを法と名づく
The peaceful and blissful body of liberation,
And what the great Muni called the Dharma.

śikāvijñaptikārikā samāptā
The thirty verses of the Vijñapti-Kārikā have been completed.

This is the composition of the teacher Vasubandhu.

已依聖教及正理 いえしょうぎょうぎゅうしょうり
分別唯識性相義 ふんべつゆいしきしょうそうぎ

所獲功德施群生  しょぎゃくくどくせぐんじょう
願共速證無上覺 がんぐそくしょうむじょうがく
