
Reading an article,10

11-Year-Old Walking 300 Kilometers for Climate Change

aware (adj)知っている、気がついている
aptly (adv)適切に
petition (n)嘆願書
greenhouse gas (n)温室効果ガス
carbon (n)炭素
extinction (n)絶滅、消火
drill (n)訓練 (v)穴を開ける

An 11-year-old boy, named Jude Walker, and his mother, Sarah Courtney, started walking on July 26 and they planned to walk 16 kilometers each day for 21 days to complete their journey. Their challenge’s purpose is to appeal to people’s minds about climate change.
They are supporting the action of the group Zero Carbon, where they insist that the UK should have a carbon tax on companies producing greenhouse gasses. Then, he hopes to collect 100,000 signatures of the petition because if the signatures are collected, the debate about carbon tax will be held by the UK’s government in Westminster. The petition had collected about 43,000 signatures so far.

What's your thought on his walking challenge?
I think it is important to everyone's consider climate change. However, it is difficult to harmonize modern society and the environment.

I guess most people felt that there are environmental and climate change problems. But, it is difficult to take action even if we know it is true.
Because there are certain people who are working the jobs which is seen as a cause of an environmental problem. Also a few people get wealth and social position from such jobs.
Also, it is difficult to part with my current life quality and I guess most people are the same.
But, if the environmental situation gets worse, we eventually will be forced to pass with current life quality due to climate change.
That’s why we have to consider the way to remake our society to fit the earth's environment. We have no choice except to try it.

Anyway, it is the most difficult thing to find the way.
(157 words)
