
街を 都市を 世界を歩く 関係案内所はつひので 鎌倉駅前蔵書室

街を 都市を 世界を歩く 関係案内所はつひので 鎌倉駅前蔵書室





 告知サイトpeatixを改めて、眺めると各地で地域経済を考えるワ-クショップが行われている企画を見る。企画者、官僚、公務員、コンサルタント、農家、不動産会社、SE, 社団法人、属性、経歴は各人が異なる複数の経歴を持ち、私の固い頭が揺さぶられる





:<a href="https://atatakakaimachi.up.seesaa.net/image/OIG3.D8eqC.sNqCZYpnv2HT.jpg" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="OIG3.D8eqC.sNqCZYpnv2HT.jpg" src="https://atatakakaimachi.up.seesaa.net/image/OIG3.D8eqC.sNqCZYpnv2HT-thumbnail2.jpg" width="640" height="640"></a>


街を 都市を 世界を歩きなおして考えようと思う。


Walking through streets, cities, the world,

After visiting the relationship information office in Hatsuhinode, I was invited to a compost study session and participated online. Participants joined from various local and regional areas, including information on waste recycling and lifestyles from Western countries. The smiles of the participants were dazzling.

The relationship information office serves as a hub for those looking to start something in the community. The manager, overseeing many young entrepreneurs, also has global experience and exchanges with young, ambitious business owners.

Together with many people, I cultivate farmland in Kamakura, becoming familiar with the local liquor stores and shops that have been around for a long time. I have read about entrepreneurs who connect robots with agriculture and have conducted workshops on it.

Everything naturally,

Looking again at the announcement site Peatix, I see plans for workshops considering local economies being held in various places. Organizers, bureaucrats, public officials, consultants, farmers, real estate companies, SEs, nonprofit organizations, participants have diverse backgrounds and careers, shaking my rigid mindset.

On the same day, I attended a reading group called Bibliobattle at the Kamakura Station Front Library. It was a fascinating reading group where introductions to books and books themselves intersected, covering statistics, The Tale of Genji, entropy, Christian literature, and offering a panoramic view of the world. Behind it, there was a blend of the perspective of adult women, social criticism, and pursuit, feeling the historical accumulation.

I always contemplate between these two worlds.

The world is vast, and the way we see it, the focal point of our hearts differs from person to person. Instead of conforming, I want to think about relationships and what to do without complete agreement or uncritical acceptance.

I think I'll walk through the streets, cities, and the world again to reconsider.

#Hatsuhinode Relationship Information Office

#Kamakura Station Front Library
