
新旧訳聖書を読むのワ-クショップ 5回目 2  仏教と創世記

新旧訳聖書を読むのワ-クショップ 5回目 2  仏教と創世記 





#創世記 #一神教#キリスト#仏教

 Workshop 5, Session 2: Buddhism and Genesis

Buddhism does not have a Genesis. I had felt discomfort in seeking points of agreement between Buddhism and Christianity, but now I see that Christ never relinquishes the self that was created. Buddhism denies the existence of the self, relinquishing the subjective and objective, and in doing so, reaffirms the relationship with God of the created self. The history of humanity from creation to the present and unto the last day, my own history, there's a flow of time that cannot be understood without Genesis.

Just as the Kojiki or Greek mythology differs from Genesis, the difference with monotheism can be felt in the presence or absence of creation. From a social analytical perspective, it could be said that the Bible was formed by suppressing and destroying many myths and polytheistic pantheons. However, there is a world visible only through the Bible, starting with Genesis.

I believe in that and do not adopt the Buddhist stance.

#Genesis #Monotheism #Christ #Buddhism
